i cant photoshop eyes
but thank god, i dont have too !!!
i was practicing some lowlight pictures trying to improve my white balance skills and i was taken back by how nice my daughter's eyes came out, not that im biased mind you ....
i was practicing some lowlight pictures trying to improve my white balance skills and i was taken back by how nice my daughter's eyes came out, not that im biased mind you ....
The success of your photo is quite obvious once one looks closer at these eyes. The line (A) indicates a bigger source of light to her left. The direction is betrayed by the shadow line in her eyes (C). The line (B) indicates most likely a fill in flash, which gave you the nice white.
The rest of the colours of in this image are not tone neutral and you can see quite a difference in your image and my sample which attempts to remove any tonal casts. But that is irrelevant for the eyes which had enough illumination to become white.
This is a very good example Troy of how light set up helps the exposure.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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to be honest, its hard for me to understand exactly what you're saying here, but if its a good thing then an even BIGGER THANX to you!
BTW, no flash was used in this picture.
it simply means you had enough light in this photo for white of the eyes to stay white. And the position of that light was very good - more light from the white side of the eye.
If you did not use a flash, what was that other light?
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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Most likely a lamp or something in the room.