smugmug is resizing my photos

I've used both universal and smugmug uploader 2.1 for mac osx and both are not displaying the originals.
I upload 600x800 or 800x600 files, but the vertical shots are being resized to 600x450.
It never used to do this and I can't figure out how to change it.
here is an example
This size just isn't big enough.
This is how it should be
When you click "large" on this one it shows the full 800x600
I upload 600x800 or 800x600 files, but the vertical shots are being resized to 600x450.
It never used to do this and I can't figure out how to change it.
here is an example
This size just isn't big enough.
This is how it should be
When you click "large" on this one it shows the full 800x600
I switched the gallery to original, but when I select "large" on my old vertical photos, it displays a 600x800 image, or the same as "original", but when I select "large" on the newest ones, I get a 450x600 image.
this photo is 600x800 in large and 786x1024 in original
this photo which is in the same gallery is 450x600 in large
Hi, it's all explained here -
and your older photos, of course, won't have been changed
I hope this helps!
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the helps a ton! As you can see I haven't done an update in a while. I think I will re-upload everything because I'm anal-retentive like that.
Speaking of anal-retentive
I do have one more question, I've noticed a color and gamma difference after I upload. The photos are lighter and the blues are not as deep, but when you view them as orginal on smugmug, they regain their color.
Can you explain this? is the color space lost in the Large size, but found in the original?
Anyhow, smugmug still rocks and I haven't even scratched the surface of what this service can do.
What browser are you using to view your photos?
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Would this be an inappropriate time to rerequest XL sized photos?
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Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
Smugmug strips the EXIF off all the generated image sizes so it only exists on your original. I presume that the colorspace of the image is just not present on the smaller sizes so, if you load one of these aRGB images in a color-managed browser, the browser will only know it's aRGB in the original size. It will think the other sizes are unlabeled and guess that they are sRGB.
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This makes sense, but my originals are SRGB, so safari doesn't even default to SRGB with no profile.
I played with the monitor profiles, and when I select SRGB, the monitor turns very cool (by cool I mean blue) and isn't even close.
I also tried to soft-proof the SRGB color space in photoshop, but it looks the same (because this is the working space)
so, I can't find away to see what they will look like until the are uploaded (not that it matters if every monitor and browser is going to render them differently anyhow)
I going to have to visit the site from a number a computers and decide what the average looks like.