$smugmug_client = new xmlrpc_client("/hack/xmlrpc/1.1.1/", "api.smugmug.com", "443");
....Wishing I could get this to work...
Hi Tazzy,
I started building my API test harness last night, I have confirmed your problem. It has been logged as a SmugBug, so hopefully it will get looked at soonish.
So when it does return values, does GetTree return good data? In helping another user debug a call to that routine, I saw the XML returned is all borked up & not usable; cat & subcat info did not match the image it was returned with IIRC.
So when it does return values, does GetTree return good data? In helping another user debug a call to that routine, I saw the XML returned is all borked up & not usable; cat & subcat info did not match the image it was returned with IIRC.
Yes, this latest version returns very usable results.
Hi Nick,
You could use smugmug.users.getTree, which returns the full list of categories and associated subcategories and albums.
I am going to raise an enhancement request to include an optional category parameter to return only a partial branch of the tree.
Until then, perhaps getting the whole tree will suffice.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Mod Edit: Logged as SmugBug
[ErrorMsg] => server error. method not found.
sorry it's a beta method, make sure u use version 1.1.1
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Passing the version like that is depreciated now with latest release.
You should be using this endpoint instead...
so versions will now be denoted by the url, not a parameter being passed with login.
more info here
Please note, that I haven't had a chance to test the new release of the API with xml-rpc.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I am.. Still no go..
$smugmug_client = new xmlrpc_client("/hack/xmlrpc/1.1.1/", "api.smugmug.com", "443");
....Wishing I could get this to work...
Hi Tazzy,
I started building my API test harness last night, I have confirmed your problem. It has been logged as a SmugBug, so hopefully it will get looked at soonish.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I assume you are reffering to the REST version? I still get method not found with XML-RPC.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos