Some family protraits
My youngest son was over this weekend to have some protraits done.
The whole family:
Just the girls:
C&C is always welcome.
The whole family:
Just the girls:
C&C is always welcome.
We never know how something we say, do, or think today, will effect the lives of millions tomorrow....BJ Palmer
We never know how something we say, do, or think today, will effect the lives of millions tomorrow....BJ Palmer
thanks for sharing
long way to go but getting there:D:ivar:lynnma
What would I do different to improve the shots?
The lighting is very nice. You were quite successful seperating their heads from the very dark backgroun. For my taste, the light may be just a touch too balanced? Some slight shadow can make for a more dynamic image.
The only real problem I see is the 3 older people appear to be floating heads. There is no discrimination between their upper body clothing and the backdrop.
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