cheap replacement for my Sony 717 (stolen in Quito)
On the first week of my 6 months in Ecuador my beloved Sony 717 got snatched - see details on my homepage/blog if your´re interested.
Now I´m looking for a cheap replacement - nothing big as I currently don´t to spent so much money and I definately want something smaller for now. Everyone told me before, but I wouldn´t want to listen...
Any suggestions on what and where I should get it? Around here in Bahía I´ve just seen a Kodak C300 or something like that for US$ 160.
Thanks for your help,
Now I´m looking for a cheap replacement - nothing big as I currently don´t to spent so much money and I definately want something smaller for now. Everyone told me before, but I wouldn´t want to listen...
Any suggestions on what and where I should get it? Around here in Bahía I´ve just seen a Kodak C300 or something like that for US$ 160.
Thanks for your help,
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SmugMug Support Hero
have you tried new H series of sony ? Picture quality is fine the only negative point is that too much flash recharge time when shooting with full power. If budget is tight try to find H1.
12x zoom will open new doors
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Hasta luego,
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Well, I got to get over it.
SmugMug Support Hero
Trully sorry to hear that... Those underdevelopped countries... My first rangefinder was also stolen in one of them...
OTOH, my first P&S was stolen in Harras buffet, South Lake Tahoe, NV:-), and also very soon upon my arrival to the country..
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Bought it brand new January 2004. Taken alittle over 8000 (eight thousand) photos with it. No CCD problems.
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All you need to know and then some
What do you mean?
Good luck with your sale.
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Alright Sebastian, if you change your mind you know where to find me.