Got bugs? Features? New release coming...

Hot on the heels of last week's release, I have another one almost done. I think you'll like it, especially anyone doing javascript stuff. 
But I can't fix bugs or add new features without your feedback. Make sure you cruise on over and add your very own SmugBugs for any bugs and/or features you've got.

But I can't fix bugs or add new features without your feedback. Make sure you cruise on over and add your very own SmugBugs for any bugs and/or features you've got.
Is this for API stuff only, or general smugbugs?
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Everything and anything SmugMug related.
Ditto for the rest of the Wiki. If it's about SmugMug, and someone else in this universe might want to reference it, stick it on the Wiki.
Will the next release fix some of the problem listed in SmugBug list? Also, when you mention javascript, are you referring to JSON support? That would be nice if I could use JSON in place of XML-RPC.
At one time I could swear that the documentation stated that the method smugmug.images.getInfo returned the image URL info as well. Now it doesn't say that (on or on the wiki), but It still returns the image URL struct. Perhaps it was left out by accident?
I don't recall the REST API docs ever saying anything about the image URLs, but I've been using the REST API for just a couple months. The image URLs are returned in the response for smugmug.images.getInfo, and I sure hope it stays that way.
Yeah, one dirty little secret that's not-so-secret is that JSON *and* serialized PHP output are now in the beta (v1.1.1) API.
Just use endpoints that use "json" or "php" in place of "rest" or "xml-rpc".
The only reason it's a "secret" right now is I haven't had time to rigorously test them yet.
Nothing is going to change, I will fix the documentation
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Don's been outta town..and with the addition of JSON and PHP support, I can't really say how long it's going to take.
It depends how many bugs we find
I will try to keep you in the loop.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
That's awesome! I tried the serialized php endpoint. I can get the login methods to work, but any other methods I try return 'invalid API Key'.
What other methods were u trying ?
I tried a few (smugmug.users.getTree, smugmug.categories.get, smugmug.albums.get) and they all were working fine.
Just check that you are using a valid sessionID, as sometimes this seems to return 'invalid api key'.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I went and double checked the url I was sending and your right, I didn't have a correct sessionID. That fixed it!
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos