Mineral King

I had an opportunity to take a day trip out to Mineral King Valley in the Sequoia National Park in CA. What a wonderful place. High in the Sierra's...like being in another world.
Anyway, here are some shots attempting to show the beautiful fall colors this time of year. It was a nippy 42 deg F up at 10,000 ft.
1) A view of Aspen flats along the Farewell Gap trail:

2) Aspen trees near Franklin Creek Cascades

3) A view of Mineral Valley from above Franklin Creek:

4) Franklin Creek Cascades:

5) View from the road near Three Rivers, CA:

You can see the rest of these at: http://hbphoto.smugmug.com/gallery/1983002
Anyway, here are some shots attempting to show the beautiful fall colors this time of year. It was a nippy 42 deg F up at 10,000 ft.
1) A view of Aspen flats along the Farewell Gap trail:

2) Aspen trees near Franklin Creek Cascades

3) A view of Mineral Valley from above Franklin Creek:

4) Franklin Creek Cascades:

5) View from the road near Three Rivers, CA:

You can see the rest of these at: http://hbphoto.smugmug.com/gallery/1983002
#3 and 5 stand out for me
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
#2 & #5 really appeal to me. But I'd be happy to have taken any of them personally.
My galleries: http://ghealy.smugmug.com
My Blog: http://photosbyhealy.blogspot.com
You've done a great job capturing it for us.