SOLD: Nice Canon Lenses, 20D and Equipment
Thought this was sold but the buyer pulled out at the last minute...
If you would like to see photos from any of this camera or lens, I'll forward you to my webpages where you should be able to quickly find samples from these
Several images of the camera HERE

Items are for sale, but I would be interested in possible trades for Nikon equipment see bottom of the listing.
da Goods:
Canon 20D Body - Functionally and cosmetically in great shape with only minor paint wear on hotshoe.
All original material packed with the camera: (CDs, Neck Strap, 1 battery, charger, manuals, etc)
+ Two 1GB CD cards (1GB Ultra II SanDisk & 1GB Lexar Professiona)
+ Additional Canon Battery (light use)
+ Hoodman (LCD shade)
- $800 OBO
Canon 17-85mm IS EF-S Nice lens, fantastic IS (see
- $425 OBO
If you wish make offers for only those things you are intrested from the above - obviously the more you buy the better the price.
If anyone is interested in trading for Nikon hardware... Here are some of the items I would be interested in trading for:
Nikon 12-24mm / Sigma 10-20mm / or similar Wide zoom
Sigma 30mm f1.4 Nikon mount
Nikon 18-200mm VR
Nikon 50mm f1.4
SD memory 2GB or larger
Thought this was sold but the buyer pulled out at the last minute...
If you would like to see photos from any of this camera or lens, I'll forward you to my webpages where you should be able to quickly find samples from these
Several images of the camera HERE

Items are for sale, but I would be interested in possible trades for Nikon equipment see bottom of the listing.
da Goods:
Canon 20D Body - Functionally and cosmetically in great shape with only minor paint wear on hotshoe.
All original material packed with the camera: (CDs, Neck Strap, 1 battery, charger, manuals, etc)
+ Two 1GB CD cards (1GB Ultra II SanDisk & 1GB Lexar Professiona)
+ Additional Canon Battery (light use)
+ Hoodman (LCD shade)
- $800 OBO
Canon 17-85mm IS EF-S Nice lens, fantastic IS (see
- $425 OBO
If you wish make offers for only those things you are intrested from the above - obviously the more you buy the better the price.
If anyone is interested in trading for Nikon hardware... Here are some of the items I would be interested in trading for:
Nikon 12-24mm / Sigma 10-20mm / or similar Wide zoom
Sigma 30mm f1.4 Nikon mount
Nikon 18-200mm VR
Nikon 50mm f1.4
SD memory 2GB or larger
This is Dgrin
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Control-C, Control-V and then try to control the embarassment - thanks for pointing it out
Im betting ny FM'ers he actually meant all the Flea Marketers.... didnt you!
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
Bu alas, unfortunately I don't...
It probably is - like it's brother the 70-200mm IS - a great lens I presume.
please let me know