Old Laundry Truck
This used to drive on a street and is now in a field, so I figured this was the best place to post. I stumbled across this old, abandoned laundry truck the othe day as I was driving down a gravel road. I thought it would make a great subject. I took a bunch of shots an dmade this collage......Thanks for looking, comments welcome.

Nice work.
Thanks Truth. It did turn out a little more green than I intended. I will have to back and dial that down a little. I may also drop the opacity of the background, which may help the smaller pictures "pop". I like your idea of dropping "old" from the title. Like you said, it's pretty obvious.
I'm looking forward to seeing another version of this one.
I have never done it before and it might look horrible...It was just an idea I had.
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb