Via Dei Morti (Deads Street?), Pisogne (BS), Italy

The sign on the top right reads "Via Dei Monti", literally "Mountains Street", but after printing it my mind pushed a trick and made me read "Via Dei MoRti". It's just a letter but it makes all the difference. Comments welcome. :seamus

Olympus OM2n, Zuiko 28/2.8
Kodak TMax400 @ 400
Developed w/ Xtol 1:1, 9'30" @ 20° (C)
Printed on Tetenal TT Vario Comfort 24x30 (cm)
Developed w/ Eukobrom 1:9, 2' @ 20° (C)
Scanned with Canon Lidesomething @ 300dpi

Olympus OM2n, Zuiko 28/2.8
Kodak TMax400 @ 400
Developed w/ Xtol 1:1, 9'30" @ 20° (C)
Printed on Tetenal TT Vario Comfort 24x30 (cm)
Developed w/ Eukobrom 1:9, 2' @ 20° (C)
Scanned with Canon Lidesomething @ 300dpi
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.