"El Cuache" a real legend at "El Maestro"
This is a portrait of the legendary "El Cuache" a mysterious man that roams the local shops of "El Maestro", I took this one a night I was just passing by, and I found he's pretty good as a model He has a great personality, and I like the portrait because it reflects the pain in his face and life, enjoy
Byron M.
Byron M.
"... anger, frustration, deception, loneliness are its meal... don't feed him" - Donatto on Zeoneth
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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great portrait-
don't like the green-
if you meant to have the green tone, your photo, your choice-
Hope to get more of El Cuache soon I'll let you know, thanks, keep posting.
Byron M.
P.S. If someone can edit the image and repost it here it would be great, thanks.
a little bit o' dis and a little bit o' dat (zen photoshop)-
some levels and curves-
pull out some green/yellow and add a little red-
layer with soft light blend mode-
have a good week-