A Ride with Dad

Went for a ride with Dad tonight. Took this shot. What do you think? Does it work for corners?

keep your finger on the trigger...don't miss a shot
keep your finger on the trigger...don't miss a shot
I definately think it works, but I think if there were more detail in the surround and you were actually going around a corner (let's say in a city) the shot would be much more effective.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for your comments. I'll look at my other shots and see what I got.
keep your finger on the trigger...don't miss a shot
Stuck the camera on a tripod and hung it out the back window.
keep your finger on the trigger...don't miss a shot
keep your finger on the trigger...don't miss a shot
See if you can get your dad to drive faster next time.
keep your finger on the trigger...don't miss a shot