WTB: 1D - Seattle area
As noted in several threads here on DGrin, my 20D failed on me in the middle of a NCAA DII V-ball match Thursday night and I am without a body for ? It also highlights the need for a second body even after I get the 20D back. My goal had been to wait until next spring and buy a 1D2N or its replacement and I still need to stick to that timing for that level of expenditure - so that leaves used 20D/30D, DReb or 1D as potential current replacements. I think that it would be in my best long term interest to look at 1D's - as I keep hearing about there special look/dynamic/range/color rendition + its a pro body and gets me the AF and view screen that I have been coveting.
Long story short - if there is anyone in the Seattle Area/Northwest - want to handle the beast before I buy, that is considering getting rid of a 1D - Please Let Me Know!
I am going through serious withdrawal’s here...
Long story short - if there is anyone in the Seattle Area/Northwest - want to handle the beast before I buy, that is considering getting rid of a 1D - Please Let Me Know!
I am going through serious withdrawal’s here...
Outdoor and Sports Media
Outdoor and Sports Media
Well, if you can't find one here... did you look at Craigslist in Seattle? Here are a few links you may want to look into:
Don't know if this is an option for you... But, Kenmore Camera has a D60 FS:
Being I'm a Nikon shooter... All I feel I can do is point you in a direction. Good luck finding your 2nd bod.
UPDATE: OH, did you call Glazer's?
Stopped by Glazer's when I dropped the camera off at Phototronics to look at rental pricing and availability (after I stopped by Kenmore to lloki nthe used case) and had looked at Craig's list (-seattle) which had a 1Ds, but did not even think of looking at other local communities - actually did not even know that there were that many community options out there.
Thank you very much for the reply and for compiling the links!
Outdoor and Sports Media