Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

There are some grab shots i got while getting supplies for a remodeling job at Lowe's. The first gives a sense of how many get in the air over the city at one time. Actually there are days when are there are many more. The day before this, 800-900 launched. Kodak used to sell film at these events by the truckload.

these next two (and others) were inflating in the parking lot of Lowe's.

these next two (and others) were inflating in the parking lot of Lowe's.

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Wife and I went up a bit over a week ago (her birthday present) and we wanted to hop on the bike and go down for that big event...would be serious photo opp. Anyway...nice shots...should you like to see our ride go to my galleries and check out the hot air balloon ride.....awesome up there in the air.
I really dig that one with the moon.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
Always something colorful going on.
Shwartzy - your ride looks like a blast. I have never gone aloft in one. Don't like the idea of the pilot having so little control. I used to fly a hang glider tho. Young and fearless. No longer the case.
Great shots!