Ok no expert here...
For me I shoot iso 100 of course.
Most of the time no more then f/11 but it depends on the effect you are looking for.
On 20D f/22 will give star like effect.
Color will be effected by lights metal halide are white,mercury vapor are little more yellow and high pressure soduim are very yellow.
Tungsten white balance in camera raw is good start.
But it depends on what you are after.
And shoot in manual only.
Use timer or better yet use cable and shutter lockup.
The sky will turn blue even on clody days very cool.
Shoot just after sunset of sunrise when the sky turns blue.
For me I shoot iso 100 of course.
Most of the time no more then f/11 but it depends on the effect you are looking for.
On 20D f/22 will give star like effect.
Color will be effected by lights metal halide are white,mercury vapor are little more yellow and high pressure soduim are very yellow.
Tungsten white balance in camera raw is good start.
But it depends on what you are after.
And shoot in manual only.
Use timer or better yet use cable and shutter lockup.
The sky will turn blue even on clody days very cool.
Shoot just after sunset of sunrise when the sky turns blue.
But cloudy skies lit by city lights nice too.
I'm sure most you know but...