multiple views of the same gallery?
I took a lot of pictures at the high school football game a few nights ago. I want to have several different galleries: one for some school administrators, one for the players, and one for grandparents and friends. It would be really nice if could upload all the pictures to just one gallery and then define three different "views" on that gallery so that each audience could see only that subset of pictures I've chosen for them.
The alternative -- three separate galleries -- is harder for me to maintain; for example, I will often decide to do additional corrections on a photo, or perhaps add or remove a photo, and this means I need to find all the affected galleries and make the same changes there. It also clutters my list of galleries (I end up with three galleries for the "2006-10-13 football game").
Is there any way to do this? Thanks...
-- jeff
The alternative -- three separate galleries -- is harder for me to maintain; for example, I will often decide to do additional corrections on a photo, or perhaps add or remove a photo, and this means I need to find all the affected galleries and make the same changes there. It also clutters my list of galleries (I end up with three galleries for the "2006-10-13 football game").
Is there any way to do this? Thanks...
-- jeff
E.g keyword of student in each one for the students, Teacher for teacher etc etc
Then you could create a link based on the keyword to give out.
As far as I know thats the only way to stop you having to upload images more than once.
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
Any other suggestions?
-- jeff
for example do this key word link
And it succesfully shows the images from the public gallery
and the private gallery
So my suggestion would work, try it.
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
BTW, congrats on your marriage!
-- jeff
How come by using the keyword links then I can see all of the pictures in my Private gallery?
Is it just bevause I am logged in?
I believe there is a big post somewhere about how using keywords bypasses the privacy of a gallery!
If you go into my keyword link how many images do you see? if you see 113 then you ARE seeing images that are in a private gallery as the public gallery only has 30 images in it and the private gallery has the rest!
It was because i had accidently unlocked that gallery!!!! Sorry im a fool, hopefully someone else can help more
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
Unfortunately, there really is no such thing as a private gallery on Smugmug and it's unfortunate that circumstances are leading people to think of these as private galleries. Smugmug has two options that affect access to your galleries. The first is password protection. That's obvious how that works and if you use that option, your keywords will not be indexed at all.
The second option just controls whether the gallery can be discovered by browsing from the home page or not. For some reason, people like to call this a private gallery, but I don't think Smugmug uses that word to describe it and it isn't really private. The UI for setting this option looks like this:
All this controls is whether the gallery is listed from your home page or not. As best I can tell, it doesn't affect anything else with the gallery. It's like an unlisted phone number. The phone number isn't in the directory, but anyone who knows it can use it because there isn't actually any access control on it - it's existence just isn't advertised. Same for an unlisted gallery. Perhaps people are calling it private because that's the opposite of public, but it isn't really private - it's just unlisted. I hope this helps folks understand what to expect with galleries that aren't listed on the home page.
If you really want it private so others can't get in, then put a password on it. Smugmug has a really nice feature that if a user visits multiple galleries all with the same password, then the user will not be asked for that password again once they've entered it once. This lets me give many galleries the same password and my viewers only have to enter it once. This gives it true security. You can combine non-public and passworded if you also don't want the password-protected galleries to be listed on the home page.
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If you'd like to have a discussion regarding private galleries, let's start another thread. For this thread, I'm still looking for a way to provide multiple views of a single gallery. Thanks...
-- jeff
We've used a somewhat different analogy. Thanks!
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(You could do this without having a slideshow by putting your featured galleries on your home page, but hiding everything else - and creating a menu for the top for people to navigate.)
- To see this in action, you can go here:
- Now click on the third photo - the one with the little girl that has blue eyes and the rest is B&W.
- This will take you to a gallery called "Samples" under "Hidden categories".
- Under here, you'll see one gallery and one sub-category - that's it. I've got everything else hidden
- Now try to get there from my home page - you can't. I haven't give the link there.
So if you do some different things with your home page, you can leave your gallery "public" and then create links off that that go off keywords and bring your customers to the photos they want.Gotcha's:
- You can control the photos they see, but if they click on "view photo in gallery" they see all the photos - even if they aren't supposed to.
- You can't control HOW they see it - it has to be the SmugMug style, I believe. At least to start out. (And someone PLEASE tell me if I'm wrong!)
- They see all the other keywords you've added and they can get to the other keywords that may leas to other galleries - if they figure it out.....
I don't know if it helps, but maybe....Good luck!