How to I reset the prices in multiple galleries for portfolio pricing?

I have several galleries that I need to remove all pricing from so that they default to portfolio pricing, but I'm not sure how. I have one emptied and I was going to use that to copy pricing from, but it doesn't show up. Do I have to just empty all 15 of them manually?
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
The only problem is that when I drop down all the other galleries, I don't see the gallery that I've removed all the prices for so I can't do it in a bulk format. Or am I looking at it wrong?
Since I don't use pro pricing, I had to look this one up & smugmug
Guess what! I found out the way... The gallery I was trying to use as the one to grab prices from had never had any pricing assigned. On a whim, I tried to use another gallery that USED TO have pricing set, but that I had emptied (so it would use portfolio pricing) was still there! Sure enough, I was able to use that to set the pricing for the rest of my galleries that needed it.
Now I'm not sure if this is something that will be cleared out of the SM database after a while, but for the short term, it worked... (Probably wasn't supposed to, but it did.
Thanks, Ivar, for looking it, though! I appreciate the help.... & smugmug