Canon 5D with Zeiss 21mm f/2.8 Distagon on board. 13sec, f/8, ISO 100. Click for a larger version. Quick edit on the laptop, I'll process it again I'm sure.
This was the only shot I got, darn traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike made me miss the sweet light and nearly all of the blue hour :cry
The color, reflections and depth give me a sense that I could step right into the scene.
Very well done!!!
One shot seems to be all you need to take a granny's breath away.
I have felt that NJ Turnpike traffic pain myself. Definitely not my favorite.
...unless there was something in the foreground that you wanted to eliminate, I think it would be nice to see the entire reflection of the taller buildings and have the dark water as the lower edge. Better framing of the shot IMO.
Nice lens!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Me too like to see whole reflection
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I'll see what I can do on final edit
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