Sierra colors in the snow.
These were taken in the Hope Valley area, south of Lake Tahoe on Highway 88. The first storm of the season had passed through the day before, leaving a nice layer of snow. Unfortunately, I was still a little early as the colors really weren't at their peak yet (at least we had some snow, though).
Taken with rebel xt, 24-105, tripod, circular polarizer.

Thanx for looking. Comments, critiques appreciated (especially the brutally honest ones).
Taken with rebel xt, 24-105, tripod, circular polarizer.

Thanx for looking. Comments, critiques appreciated (especially the brutally honest ones).
Okay, I just replied to you in my thread and then discovered this one. I have photos of #1 minus the snow (that's just past the hwy 89/88 intersection), which I didn't post. I think the snow just adds enough to make that shot more interesting than what I got; and of course #4 you were referring to in my thread. Was #3 shot with a lensbaby or just zoom while shooting?
Hey Bill, thanx for the reply. The third shot was not with a lensbaby, I was just 'playing' around, doing a quick zoom out.
Thomson, Ga. USA