76: Inside Out
Ok...Here is what I am up to...
I want to take a picture from the inside of a bottle...
So I did the following:
- Bought a Bottle of San Pellegrino Sparkling Water (1.50$ CAD)

-Drank half of it
-Emptied the rest in the bathroom at work.
-Found a Glass Workshop near my work, there was one 2 minutes away
-Paid 15$ CAD to have it cut in half :rolleyes. Just above the big label.
I put the half bottle on the lens, add a Red straw and ask my daughter to do as if she would drink with the straw.
And finally took a few test shot this evening...I was set at ISO 800, wanted to do other shots at other setting but my daughter was not too patient this evening.
Here is what I have so far...I need more test, I want to be able to read on the label, have her clear and nice DOP. Maybe play with the final picture a bit.
I want to take a picture from the inside of a bottle...
So I did the following:
- Bought a Bottle of San Pellegrino Sparkling Water (1.50$ CAD)

-Drank half of it
-Emptied the rest in the bathroom at work.
-Found a Glass Workshop near my work, there was one 2 minutes away

-Paid 15$ CAD to have it cut in half :rolleyes. Just above the big label.
I put the half bottle on the lens, add a Red straw and ask my daughter to do as if she would drink with the straw.
And finally took a few test shot this evening...I was set at ISO 800, wanted to do other shots at other setting but my daughter was not too patient this evening.
Here is what I have so far...I need more test, I want to be able to read on the label, have her clear and nice DOP. Maybe play with the final picture a bit.

Cool shot! :photo
Yes outside is my plan...But it was rainning and dark when I did this..I hope this weekend will be better.
I think the hole of the bottle should be in the middle, my daughter more to the left and the label to the right.
I think that the hole should just be pointing at the sky and that she should not look in the bottle, she would be completely being the green glass.
Now I am a very bad director and she is a very bad subject. Bad + bad = Very Difficult
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
My www. place is www.belperphoto.co.uk
My smugmug galleries at http://stuarthill.smugmug.com
Yeah I see what your saying...I'll think about it...another 15$
besides the background which you already said you had plans for since this was a practice round - i dont picture little girls drinking san pellegrino with a straw
probably better off with an old-skool cola bottle. that and a background of a blue cloudy sky would be an amazing shot IMO.
*Canon 40D: 17-55IS - 70-300IS - 100mm Macro - Sigma 10-20EX
So i'm not sure if I'm posting in the right spot.
I have an entry for challenge 76 and need to know if I can use photo shop for this one.
I have read all the rules, just want to be sure.
I made this thread to discuss my idea for the current challenge. You should make another thread if you are looking for an answer from the admin.
But as far as I can tell YES you can use photoshop, but I am not sure what is the limit. I personnality think that it should be used only to adjust it or for some visual effect, but not to add things to it and not to merge two pics together.
"i dont picture little girls drinking san pellegrino with a straw" - I Agree. But may happen in Italy
But Finding an olf-school one is more complicated, they are all plastic now. I could get a small Coke bottle but it would be too small and it is clear, I want a green glass bottle that fits over my lens. Pellegrino is a perfect fit, it goes just a little bit over the hood, easy to hold in place. But I do plan on keeping my eye open for a different bottle...
I will do more test this week and I may end up followinf someone else advise and have another bottle cut below the big label to see more of the bottle.
I do have this idea with this shot.
-Bottle cut at the bottom (Below big label)
-Daughter on the right of the bottle with part of the hand on the bottle
-A tree behind her maybe.
-Bottle labels to the right.
I have so many ideas...I hope this will work out at the end...Sometimes you just can't get it perfect...I hope my daughter will be patient with me.
Unless specifically stated in the instructions for a specific challenge you can photoshop to your hearts content.
He he...I thought about brown glass...
I want to include my daughter on this picture....Brown glass noramlly = BEER.
Now Athos mentionned that a little girl drinking San Pellegrino with a straw is not something that someone would expect....Well I had the same thought in mind when I thought about a brown Glass... BEER and little girl....
I would have to set the scene somewhere else...Like a Bar....I do have a friend that has a restaurant/Bar/Lounge...I could do this with a bottle of liquor, maybe a Jack Daniels
It would require more work but I could do this....Not sure I can pull this off in time for the end of the challenge.
I did think of many things, but I have to do compromises to meet the challenge deadline.:nah
Referral: ( wXtCbmTTvmJSE )
Found a blue one, it was nice but it is hard to see throught it, and the brand is local does't mean anything to anyone...even me.
Found some root beer bottles, brown, like a beer, but still not what I am looking for. BEER and kid...nah...
So I bought another Pellegrino bottle to be cut near the bottom and also a small Sprite glass bottle...green again. This one might be more "realistic" in the hands of a 6 years old. Plus the logo is printed on the bottle, not a label, should look good from inside.
I'm planning a photo shoot this weekend at the park with my daughter.
Can't wait to see what you come up with. Very creative!
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
Awesome idea!
But next time use the 2L plastic soda bottles - they are easier (and cheaper) to cut while delivering identical impression
No photo shoot this weekend...Weather was crappy plus I didn't get the 2x other bottles cut in time.
I am noe afraid that I will not be able to provise this in time....I may have to settle for a shot in the house instead of outside.
Hopefully it works out for you... it really is an awesome idea!
The Sprite bottle is too small and I see almost nothing from inside...I have other idea for it....for another project.
Yesterday was the first day with some sunshine in the last 2 weeks !!!
I took a few shots in front of my house with my daughter.
I will take a few again today when I am back from work.
This weekend is under the rain again....So I will have to pick a picture from yesterday or today.
I don't think I'll come up with what I have in mind....but stangely I had fun just preparing and thinking about that shot.
I hesitate between these two.
I was able to take only 10 shots of her.
I'll have the weekend to see if I can come up with another idea with the bottle.
But they were made just to brain storm while looking at them.
Since both bottle have their bottom cut I can put the big one over the small one. But I could put anything inside that bottle beside another bottle...I'm thinking about something original to put inside.
go with this one....the colors are amazing, very well executed, the blue sky certainly adds dimension, just fantastic
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Wow, That is fantastic, love the orange and green
really inventive idea, and great to see the progression of the work !!