Beautiful moth
I post these shots not because they are photographically anything special but rather because of the subject. I have only seen this guy one other time in my 6 1/2 years in my current residence so when I saw him this morning around 6:00 am CST, I quickly grabbed my camera. The macro lens was the lens on it at the time and I didn't want to waste time changing lenses just in case it flew off. So here are the shots. Does anybody know what this might be? I have tried in vain to find what type of moth it is. The closest I have seen so far is a type of Sphinx moth, but the colors are not correct even though the shape is. Talk about camouflage! He looks like a leaf and his legs look like little limbs. As you can see he was just sitting on the concrete driveway. He was very still but soon after these shots he flew off.
Edit: I have verified that it is a very nice example of a Pandora Sphinx moth.
Edit: I have verified that it is a very nice example of a Pandora Sphinx moth.
Thanks for sharing.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
The F14 of moths...that is funny but the wings do sort of resemble a Tomcat in with wings in high speed cruise position.
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