8.3fps with my new MarkII N

Real men shoot in Manual Mode!
Sonny Cantu Photography | SCP Blog | SCP fb | Gametime Photography | GTP Blog | GTP fb
Real men shoot in Manual Mode!
Sonny Cantu Photography | SCP Blog | SCP fb | Gametime Photography | GTP Blog | GTP fb
I would say #2 is the keeper, to bad you can't see the face though.
Perfect Pix
I agree too, but unfortunately with this age group...there isn't a whole lot of passing in a game. They stick with the run game and always go for it on fourth downs.
On this pass attempt the Oilers were lined up to the left with Trips. This kid was the slot receiver and ran an out & up, while the other two recievers ran a short button hook & post. WIDE OPEN but the QB threw the ball slightly behind the receiver (kinda hard to see in these shots)
Real men shoot in Manual Mode!
Sonny Cantu Photography | SCP Blog | SCP fb | Gametime Photography | GTP Blog | GTP fb