The light is very well done! Good on you! I grabbed a copy of your original to look at it a little close and I really like the way you were able to fill the shadows on her face without completely over-doing it.
I know your purpose was to work with the light, but FWIW, the focus is a bit off. Your focus plane intersects with her shins rather than with her eyes.
Thanks Scott.... I have been having problems with focusing particularly at f2.8 and below... I'm pretty sure I focused on the eyes..... a couple of my shots have come out this way where the focus seems to be forward of where I thought I was focusing, doesn't seem to be consistent so I'm not sure if its the camera or its just me!!! ... do you know of an easy way I can test this....
Thanks Scott.... I have been having problems with focusing particularly at f2.8 and below... I'm pretty sure I focused on the eyes..... a couple of my shots have come out this way where the focus seems to be forward of where I thought I was focusing, doesn't seem to be consistent so I'm not sure if its the camera or its just me!!! ... do you know of an easy way I can test this....
You've no doubt heard that "search is your friend" Well, a quick google on the two words focus and test provided this as the first link. Check it out.
I know your purpose was to work with the light, but FWIW, the focus is a bit off. Your focus plane intersects with her shins rather than with her eyes.
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Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
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