Crystal Ball Macros
This is a Swarovsky crystal that I got in Aruba when i was in 6th grade. Its a little worse for the wear from being in a bag of crystals that I use to haul around all the time.
I don't know how many of you read comicbooks or have read them, but I am a Green Lantern fan. It's the first comic I started to read regularly also in 6th grade, and I've been with it ever since. For any regular GL fans, this crystal always reminds me of Chaselon. Chaselon is a sentient crystal ball with a Green Lantern ring. Now that I think of it I have a Chaselon action figure..I'll post a picture of it tomorrow.
I don't know how many of you read comicbooks or have read them, but I am a Green Lantern fan. It's the first comic I started to read regularly also in 6th grade, and I've been with it ever since. For any regular GL fans, this crystal always reminds me of Chaselon. Chaselon is a sentient crystal ball with a Green Lantern ring. Now that I think of it I have a Chaselon action figure..I'll post a picture of it tomorrow.
This has a nice rectangular pattern in the apex. I liked that way this pattern formed.
I forgot to mention..I don't wear scarves or hats. As much as I absolutely hate the cold, my stubborness and unwillingness to yield to its efforts to control my life by throwing cold winds, snow and ice at me have forced me to not believe in them. One day we will control the elements..not the other way around. But since its a nice gray color, and I didn't want to snub a gift from a cousin, I turned it into a platform/backdrop for my macros. You'll be seeing a lot of it as I post macros in the future.
I decided to put some color and mixed color gels on my ring flash. This one is a blue on the left flash and purple on the right flash, with a black filter on the top flash. What do you think?
This is the green and orange version.
different position for the crystal ball.
I give you CHASELON! The sentient crystal that is a Green Lantern. I forget which sector he was in. Sorry. My memory sucks, and it'd be hell to sift through about 20 years of unorganized comics to find that info.
Just toying with some of my crystal ball images to see if I can make them come out even neater than when I started...
This is a rotated mirror shot, that I then punched. Now it almost looks like a gem.