More Fuji F30 (P&S Cam) Sample Photos
I don't mean to be an "attention whore"...LOL...but I really am impressed with this little camera! I'm posting in case some people are interested in a small pocket camera - this is just one user's experience and if it helps someone decide on a camera, great. For $230 after the $50 mail-in rebate, you can't beat it! The wonderful thing about this camera is it's great sxposures and seldom needing flash. I have the flash turned off most of the time - even indoors!
I should also add that it's very quick to startup when turned on, the colors look great and very natural and there's hardly any shutter lag. It's a very quick little camera. I can see why so many people rave about it now. It's sort of a best kept secret though. Unless you go looking for reviews of this baby, you hardly ever hear about this model. The appearance (silver - although nice all metal body) could be better in my book, but maybe that'll just help keep it from being stolen! Personally, I'd rather have a camera that takes great pictures than one that just looks good and takes crappy pictures. Thank goodness I passed on the new Samsung NV series. They look great, but got a bad review over at dpreview.
Notes on photos (they're all in my Fuji F30 gallery on smugmug) - I don't do much post processing. Mostly it's tweaking the shadows, sharpening and a few little things like that. I tend to spend literally about 1 minute or so editing each photo.
These were all without flash.
I should also add that it's very quick to startup when turned on, the colors look great and very natural and there's hardly any shutter lag. It's a very quick little camera. I can see why so many people rave about it now. It's sort of a best kept secret though. Unless you go looking for reviews of this baby, you hardly ever hear about this model. The appearance (silver - although nice all metal body) could be better in my book, but maybe that'll just help keep it from being stolen! Personally, I'd rather have a camera that takes great pictures than one that just looks good and takes crappy pictures. Thank goodness I passed on the new Samsung NV series. They look great, but got a bad review over at dpreview.
Notes on photos (they're all in my Fuji F30 gallery on smugmug) - I don't do much post processing. Mostly it's tweaking the shadows, sharpening and a few little things like that. I tend to spend literally about 1 minute or so editing each photo.
These were all without flash.
Really, very nice shots impressive camera.
Thanks. Very minimal post processing. The pictures from point and shoot cameras (from my experience) tend to be pretty sharp already. I did apply a little sharpening. I usually try to do something with the shadows if they're too dark, but these shots didn't need much of that. For the color, not really. I'll occasionally add a LITTLE bit more saturation, but only if the pictures look flat. These didn't need much of that either. The first leaf, tractor, cup cakes and flower pictures are almost straight out of the camera - meaning very little post work was done. I tend to delete questionable photos anyway because my post processing skills aren't that great. So most of the time, the photos you see from me are mostly right from the camera (but like I said, I DO usually sharpen and sometimes add a little more color).
This is the first Fuji I have been interested in since the S7000, which was almost my first serious digicam. (The Minolta A2 stole my heart instead and continues to be a very capable image maker.)
Thanks for posting and I would encourage more.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
This picture was taken at 1600 iso with the on camera flash.
Hand held sunset shot.