Sizing image as screen background

[FONT=Geneva, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I've been asked for image files that can be used as screen backgrounds.
I know I can use PS to resize to a set pixel count (width and height) but should I size to 1024x768, or is this too big of a file and thus am I "giving away the cow w/ the milk" (ie giving away a large enough file for the party to use for "quality" printing?
I'm not interested in selling as digital files as of right now... I'm thinking of these as throw ins...
I know I can use PS to resize to a set pixel count (width and height) but should I size to 1024x768, or is this too big of a file and thus am I "giving away the cow w/ the milk" (ie giving away a large enough file for the party to use for "quality" printing?
I'm not interested in selling as digital files as of right now... I'm thinking of these as throw ins...
Monitors are getting bigger. 1024x768 and 1280 x 1024 are now more common than 640x480.
Why not sell a 1Mpix Dig Download, for personal use, choose a price, then at least you've got a license with the photo? Price it accordingly....
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I am just trying to do that Andy... I don't find how to set it up though. I know that you can add it in the custom price list, but it does not reflect in my cart. I keep seeing the printable sizes and no download link...
What am I doing wrong???
I want to price the personal licenses at 5 dollar and the commercial at 15. Does anyone have an idea wether this is appropriate?
Should I ask more?
This is the gallery I want to set up for my desktop photographs sales...
I also wished there was a category desktop backgrounds...
Any input would be valued... If anyone has experience with this, could you drop me a line pleeeese?
It works fine now, I called on smugmug help. That is what I wanted, downloads only...
Thanks for the comment.