What about this composition? C&C Welcome!
This is a friend of mine in a very open frame, and I wanted to know what you think about its composition, do you like it? do you hate it? thanks
C&C Welcome.
Byron M.
C&C Welcome.
Byron M.
"... anger, frustration, deception, loneliness are its meal... don't feed him" - Donatto on Zeoneth
If it was full length portrait the same composition may actually work.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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Thanks Ted, very good comment about the composition, I was pretty confused by it, I mean, I wanted a full-lenght portrait as you said, I wanted my friend to look small in comparison to the blank space, white wall I mean, but can you crop it for me as you described it? Pleeeeeeaaaase
Thanks for your help
As I've said, I like it, but too bad for the grass : get some more or avoid it entirely.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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while brightening his face just a little might be useful, I think this new frames "kills" the idea. It may be an interesting frame for something else but here, the genuine idea is dead, I guess
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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I agree.
But B://'s composition says more, to my opinion
I have a new frame, that describes better what my main idea was, and his face is a little brighter, hope you like it
Byron M.
Try something like 600 or even 800 pixels wide for your photo
Exactly what I was going to say.
If I were to reshoot this, I'd place in at teh bottom left or right corner with his whole body and skateboard (?) in the photo. Very little below him or to the left (right, depending) with a LOT of white wall above and to the right. I think you have a GREAT idea and I love the pose he's in - it really emphasizes the smallness....
Thank you for all your comments, they have been pretty helpful, and I just like this frame because it's something you don't see that often.
I don't like having "comfortable" compositions all the time, sometimes I need to look at something not so pleasant to know I did a good job, visually I mean.
And I agree about breaking the rules, it is a lot funnier that way
Byron M.
Try again would love to see more of your work.
Were it a much more interesting wall (paintings or anything else), it might work, but here… it's just a pretty big wall. Besides, it's burnt, so it doesn't say much.
I'm sure you got an idea but I'aint sure you reallly caught it entirely