How To Maximize Your Findability (Search Engine Stuff)



  • iambackiamback Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
    edited June 20, 2007
    caroline wrote:
    I can't see the difference between Denise's code and yours in the first example - do I need to clean my glasses ? Please point it out for me<img src="; border="0" alt="" >
    Denise's example had a mix of BBcode (forum code) and HTML, all doubled up, and this got the code turning into live links (hover your mouse over it!) while the closing <*/a> was missing. My code doesn't behave like live links and does have the closing tag (scroll to the end): it's pure HTML with three * inserted.

    (now when will we get proper HTML code boxes so we can show and discuss HTML code without all those idiotic workarounds and inserted asterisks? sigh... <img src="; border="0" alt="" >)
    Marjolein Katsma
    Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited June 20, 2007
    iamback wrote:
    Your code got a bit confused, maybe trying to get past the HTML code-showing limitations.

    Your code sample, fixed:
    <*a href=""><*img src=""><*/a>
    Thanks! I thought I had reviewed the code but obviously not. I copied it from my blog, so I know it was something that the forum software swallowed. I've corrected my post (with credit to you) so I don't cause any more confusion.

    iamback wrote:
    Incoming links are most valuable when they have meaningful link text. So, I'd suggest you add an alt attribute that matches the caption for the image you're linking to.

    Thanks for the suggestion - I'll add the alt attribute to my links.

    --- Denise
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 20, 2007
    iamback wrote:
    (now when will we get proper HTML code boxes so we can show and discuss HTML code without all those idiotic workarounds and inserted asterisks? sigh... bowdown.gif)


    Hello iamback, I have already answered this, thanks. We are not turning on HTML here.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited June 20, 2007
    kml wrote:

    I usually use the photo icon on Blogger to insert a photo, but thought I would try your way with the code you posted above. The idea of having more links pointing back to my site interests me.

    I have a question for you.

    Do you have a way of wrapping the text around the image instead of having it go at the bottom, after the text has been written.

    This is how I have mine currently by using the upload image icon:

    When trying with the code you posted, I can only enter text above the image, I can't get the cursor to go anywhere else around or below the image.


    Kathy -
    I never use the photo icon on blogger. Instead, I open my smugmug site to the photo I want. I have the share photo button enabled when I'm logged in only. I click share photo and I use the gallery link for the <*a href= tag, and I use either the small or medium url in the <*img src= tag depending on whether the photo orientation is portrait or landscape.

    I prefer not to have my text wrapped around the photo, so I always insert a new line before (and usually after) my html that points to the photo.

    I don't know if that answers your question reasonably though - ask again if I misunderstood you!

    Oh, and I apologize for the scrambled html in my previous post; I've fixed it...

    --- Denise
  • iambackiamback Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
    edited June 20, 2007
    HTML code boxes!
    Andy wrote:
    Hello iamback, I have already answered this, thanks. We are not turning on HTML here.
    You still don't get it, I'm afraid. I'm not asking to "turn on HTML" so you haven't "answered" my request either. I'm asking you to enable showing and discussing code by showing it in code boxes. vBulletin supports that, is designed to support that, with absolutely NO security issues.

    I'm doing it all the time on another vBulletin forum; HTML shows as code, even with syntax highlighting. This is extremely helpful when discussing code and allowing people to copy and paste the code as is.

    Why make it so extremely hard for us to discuss and share code when it can be so simple, user-friendly and secure?
    Marjolein Katsma
    Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
  • richWrichW Registered Users Posts: 941 Major grins
    edited June 20, 2007
    iamback wrote:
    code boxes
    Sorry to go OT on your OT thread. Some of us can't read your posts when you change the font color. If you didn't notice, there are several different color themes available. Thanks....
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 20, 2007
    iamback wrote:
    You still don't get it, I'm afraid. I'm not asking to "turn on HTML" so you haven't "answered" my request either. I'm asking you to enable showing and discussing code by showing it in code boxes. vBulletin supports that, is designed to support that, with absolutely NO security issues.
    Sorry, we don't do that on our board.

    1. Members can forget to close tags, forget quotation marks, mess up tables, etc., and break the page so it fails to render buttons, etc.

    2. Spam bots like to do things like use the META refresh tag to redirect the page to pr0n sites.

    3. HTML opens up security holes like the ability to read cookies, gain access to login info, etc.

    I wish I had a better answer for you.
  • iambackiamback Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
    edited June 21, 2007
    I'll try to explain again - with pictures this time
    Andy, it seems you still do not understand what I'm referring to - probably because you've never used a vBulletin forum where the feature I'm referring to is actually enabled. I'll do my best to explain in detail, screenshots at the end. Please, read carefully, ok? bowdown.gif
    Andy wrote:
    Sorry, we don't do that on our board.

    1. Members can forget to close tags, forget quotation marks, mess up tables, etc., and break the page so it fails to render buttons, etc.
    (spaces inserted in vB Code tags to avoid interpetation)

    They can, and do that with [ code ] [/ code ] tags now, and they can and do that with [ php ] [/ php ] tags now. So if forgetting to close tags is a problem (it is, sometimes, if people type the code but my guess is most here don't) then why do you allow those two code tags? If allowing those two isn't a problem why is allowing [ html ] [/ html ] a problem? The "risk" is the same (small and easily fixed by a moderator) but not a security risk, while the advantage is enormous. There are no table tags in vB code, and quotation marks are not necessary.

    If an [ html ] tag isn't closed, the HTML is still shown literally; if it isn't opened (but closed) it's also still shown literally: you just get the same effect as with HTML typed in a message when HTML is not allowed for markup (screenshots 1 & 2 shown using
    Andy wrote:
    2. Spam bots like to do things like use the META refresh tag to redirect the page to pr0n sites.
    Allowing HTML for markup is not the same thing as allowing HTML to be shown as code. The point of using [ html ] [/ html ] is that it is safe to show HTML as literal code (text); it is not interpreted in any way by any browser. Using [ html ] [/ html ] escapes all HTML. Spam bots can't do anything with that. In fact, they're unlikely to want to show their code - they want to have code interpreted by the browser silently and invisibly. Escaped HTML is not interpreted by any browser, it's just like plain text.
    Andy wrote:
    3. HTML opens up security holes like the ability to read cookies, gain access to login info, etc.
    Indeed, HTML does that (via JavaScript, not HTML itself), and you certainly should not allow it for markup - vB code / BBcode is designed to securely allow people to do some (limited) markup in their messages without needing HTML.

    But once again, that's not what I'm asking for. I definitely don't want anyone to use HTML for markup here (nor in other forums, including my own, for that matter). What I'm asking for is the html companion to the code and php code boxes we already have here, so that HTML code can be shown safely as code.

    vBulletin comes with all three out of the box. HTML is frequently discussed, shown, presented for copy & paste here, but with tons of stupid workarounds to be able to show HTML at all which need to be removed again to get usable code - those are not necessary when you add the option for a third type of code box already present.
    Andy wrote:
    I wish I had a better answer for you.
    You do.

    Go into vBulletin's configuration interface and look up where the settings for [ code] and [ php ] are; near those two you'll find another for [ html ]. Do whatever you need to do to turn it on. That will not allow HTML to be used for markup in messages (that's an option you'll find near those for using "vb code" (BBcode), smilies and [img]): it will only insert escaped HTML (nicely color-coded as well) into a message that doesn't need extra asterisks, spaces and what not to be removed to get workable code. With a nice scroll bar and all, just like the [ code ] and [ php ] boxes have. Bots can't do anything with escaped code, browsers can't interpret it. ([/img]screenshot 3: message editor toolbar in DGrin; screenshot 4: message editor toolbar in DTPFor - note the extra "< >" button between the "#" (code) and blue php (php) buttons: that's the button that inserts an [ html ][/ html ] code pair for html code boxes and it will appear once html code boxes are allowed.)

    To show you what the result looks like, color coded and all, see screenshot 5. Note how different colors are used for tags, strings, and text; the script tag is nicely highlighted, and it is not interpreted: it's shown only as code.)

    Now look at the "posting rules" for both forums see screenshots 6,7 & 8: - note that HTML is "off" in DTPFor - but in DGrin HTML is sometimes "on" and sometimes "off": but it should always be off! (It is on in this forum (yes, you actually do do that here, but you shouldn't), but it's off in the SmugMug Customization forum.) These "posting rules" refer to what can be used for markup; the three types of code boxes accessible from the editing toolbar (screenshot 4) are part of vB code (allowed).

    I hope I've finally made clear that I do not want HTML to be turned on for message markup - it should be off (and you'd better go through all your forums to make sure it's off everywhere: that's what I do want!).

    All I'm asking for is for html code boxes to be enabled, so escaped HTML can be shown as code. If you still don't understand, keep asking, but please don't keep saying "we don't do that here" (which just shows you don't understand). I'll explain it a hundred times until you do understand. If you think it's not secure, I'll explain again, because it is secure.

    If you can't figure out how to set it up in vBulletin (I can't give detailed instructions because I'm a user, not an admin), get yourself over to the Desktop Publishing Forum, sign up for a free account, and go ask Kathleen Tinkel (ktinkel) how to set it up. Tell her I sent you. The "How to Use the forum" forum is probably the best place, or "The Corner Pub" which is for off-topic stuff. Some other staff may jump in as well, we're a helpful lot (staff and not staff) over there (much like here, in fact. :D))

    1. unclosed [ html ] tag does not cause HTML to be interpreted because HTML is off
    2. lone [/ html ] tag does not cause HTML to be interpreted because HTML is off
    3. message editor toolbar in DGrin (no html box)
    4. message editor toolbar in DTPfor (with html box)
    5. how HTML is shown as code in an HTML code box
    6. posting rules in DTPfor: HTML always off
    7. posting rules in dgrin SmugMug Pro Sales Support forum: HTML is on
    8. posting rules in dgrin SmugMug Customization forum: HTML is off

    P.S. if you'd allow .txt files to be attached, I could also show you the source code that is generated by the [ html ] boxes.
    Marjolein Katsma
    Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 21, 2007
    And I thought only we New Yorkers were pushy rolleyes1.gif

    Thank you, iamback, it's a wonder I'm able to even tie my shoes in the morning.

    Are you telling me that all this fuss and your crusade is to get pretty colors around html?

    What's wrong with just pasting the html in a post?

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 21, 2007
    Oh and thanks for letting me know abt the pro support forum html on - that shouldn't have been the case, and I fixed that.
  • iambackiamback Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
    edited June 21, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    And I thought only we New Yorkers were pushy <img src="; border="0" alt="" >

    Thank you, iamback, it's a wonder I'm able to even tie my shoes in the morning.

    Are you telling me that all this fuss and your crusade is to get pretty colors around html?

    What's wrong with just pasting the html in a post?
    It's harder to read, long lines wrap so you can't see what should go on a single line, it's harder to copy (you can't just click within the box, hit Ctrl+A, to select all). I use this all the time Andy, and it makes things just a lot easier and more efficient. But you need to work with it to start to appreciate that.

    And the "pretty colors" really help a lot to see code structure - I never, ever work with an editor anymore that doesn't do some sort of syntax highlighting - but then hardly any editor does not support that any more, for a reason. Ask the coders at SM - I'd be very surprised if anyone worked without code highlighting.

    I'm trying to help all with this little proposal, SM staffers and forum moderators, other helpers, people needing code to copy-and-paste. And it doesn't cost anything, and there's no risk.

    So what's wrong with implementing it? Why are code and php implemented and not html? Maybe you should turn those off, too then if you think pasting the code into the message is just as good or maybe even better.

    P.S. I'm glad to see that HTML was turned off here pretty quickly. I was tempted to leave that little <i> tag in there, but I didn't <img src="; border="0" alt="" >
    Marjolein Katsma
    Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 21, 2007
    iamback wrote:
    It's harder to read, long lines wrap so you can't see what should go on a single line, it's harder to copy (you can't just click within the box, hit Ctrl+A, to select all). I use this all the time Andy, and it makes things just a lot easier and more efficient. But you need to work with it to start to appreciate that.

    And the "pretty colors" really help a lot to see code structure - I never, ever work with an editor anymore that doesn't do some sort of syntax highlighting - but then hardly any editor does not support that any more, for a reason. Ask the coders at SM - I'd be very surprised if anyone worked without code highlighting.

    I'm trying to help all with this little proposal, SM staffers and forum moderators, other helpers, people needing code to copy-and-paste. And it doesn't cost anything, and there's no risk.

    So what's wrong with implementing it? Why are code and php implemented and not html? Maybe you should turn those off, too then if you think pasting the code into the message is just as good or maybe even better.

    P.S. I'm glad to see that HTML was turned off here pretty quickly. I was tempted to leave that little <i> tag in there, but I didn't <img src="; border="0" alt="" >

    Good. Please now let us think about this. Thank you for your many suggestions. I get it. Can we please move along now?
  • iambackiamback Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
    edited June 25, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    Good. Please now let us think about this. Thank you for your many suggestions. I get it. Can we please move along now?

    I'm very happy to see the HTML code box has been implemented now. Thank you!

    Now everyone who wants to paste code directly into a message can continue to do so, but those who prefer a box (and their readers) can have all the advantages of it.

    BTW, I just stumbled over a bit of code where attributes were surrounded in curly quotes instead of straight quotes - and of course it dodn't work. If that bit of code had been pasted into an HTML code box, the color coding would have made the difference immediately apparent.

    Anyway, thanks for this improvement!

    (Running off to change my sig rolleyes1.gif)
    Marjolein Katsma
    Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
  • jaymarshalljaymarshall Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited June 26, 2007
    Google hits

    What triggers showing up in a Google search?
    If I want to show up, is it better to add the name to the Caption in addition to the keyword?
    Does a name in the Gallery title have more "power" that the same name in the keyword list?

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2007

    What triggers showing up in a Google search?
    If I want to show up, is it better to add the name to the Caption in addition to the keyword?
    Does a name in the Gallery title have more "power" that the same name in the keyword list?

    They all do. The key is to be consistent - keyword everything, use good album descriptions and captions, too.
  • iambackiamback Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    They all do. The key is to be consistent - keyword everything, use good album descriptions and captions, too.
    Including album keywords, also used in the Album description.

    Which reminds me: why don't I see album keywords I have assigned? I only see them in the meta keywords tag, not in the page content.
    Marjolein Katsma
    Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2007
    iamback wrote:
    Which reminds me: why don't I see album keywords I have assigned?
    From our help pages:
  • carolinecaroline Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    They all do. The key is to be consistent - keyword everything, use good album descriptions and captions, too.

    As Andy says, be consistent - I started to look more closely at what I had entered as keywords in the light of the 15 word limit, and can only say that its a miracle google finds me at all such is the shambolic state of my keywords. Going through them all now is quite a task, but is very helpful for focusing on what words to use, and to ensure that images that are related are as far as possible keyworded consistently and logically (well my version of logic that ismwink.gif)

    Mendip Blog - Blog from The Fog, life on the Mendips - Follow me on G+

  • iambackiamback Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    Doesn't really say why - "title too long" is not a good argument, there are plenty of other elements on pages that can be hidden if desired - and they're not hidden either: they're not there (if they were hidden I could unhide them)!

    More screenscraping then... (yuk) I want them on the page and they will be mwink.gif.
    Marjolein Katsma
    Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
  • iambackiamback Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2007
    caroline wrote:
    As Andy says, be consistent - I started to look more closely at what I had entered as keywords in the light of the 15 word limit, and can only say that its a miracle google finds me at all such is the shambolic state of my keywords. Going through them all now is quite a task, but is very helpful for focusing on what words to use, and to ensure that images that are related are as far as possible keyworded consistently and logically (well my version of logic that ismwink.gif)
    Just don't limit yourself at 15 keywords, only make sure the most important ones are in the first 15.
    Marjolein Katsma
    Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
  • EmberghostEmberghost Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited June 30, 2007
    How to get more traffic?
    So once I buy the site and domain name and all I'm curious what is needed in order to maximize people seeing the site. More importantly, I want people in my area to be able to find me on popular search engines when looking for photographers. I think this thread will definitely help me as well as others. So, how's it done...?
  • EmberghostEmberghost Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited June 30, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    wave.gif from our basic FAQ:
    put this in your CSS:

    #photoKeywords {display: none;}

    I put this in my CSS yet I can still see the keywords of my photos. Any guess as to why?
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited June 30, 2007
    Emberghost wrote:
    I put this in my CSS yet I can still see the keywords of my photos. Any guess as to why?
    Looked at one of your galleries and the CSS is not active. Go under "gallery
    tools" "customize gallery" and check "custom" instead of "smugmug" under
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • MAHAROGERSMAHAROGERS Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
    edited August 25, 2007
    Custom Hostname and SEO
    I've posted this on a few other forums and haven't gotten an answer. Hope it works here.

    Here's my situation. The front end of my site is hosted by yahoo while all the galleries and fulfillment are handled through SM. Since Y! hosts me I can't edit my cname, I can only create a new record or subdomain like to point the SM stuff to.


    I've got lots of galleries out there now with domains. Will my SEO standing improve if I go the custom hostname route but my hostname for Smugmug hosted content is something like Should I bother?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2007
    MAHAROGERS wrote:
    I've posted this on a few other forums and haven't gotten an answer. Hope it works here.

    Here's my situation. The front end of my site is hosted by yahoo while all the galleries and fulfillment are handled through SM. Since Y! hosts me I can't edit my cname, I can only create a new record or subdomain like to point the SM stuff to.


    I've got lots of galleries out there now with domains. Will my SEO standing improve if I go the custom hostname route but my hostname for Smugmug hosted content is something like Should I bother?

    Keep using and blogging and keywording and linking

    Your other name won't ever go away, but in time, your rank will improve for the custom name thumb.gif
  • MAHAROGERSMAHAROGERS Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
    edited August 25, 2007
    Andy wrote:
    Keep using and blogging and keywording and linking

    Your other name won't ever go away, but in time, your rank will improve for the custom name thumb.gif

    Thanks, Andy. I guess I didn't ask the right way before. What I really want to know is if changing from to is a better SEO move in general since I guess, technically, it means all my site content would be part of my own domain rather than smugmug's. More importantly, would changing it at this point after I've been using the old one for almost a year end up doing more harm than good? Thanks
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2007
    MAHAROGERS wrote:
    Thanks, Andy. I guess I didn't ask the right way before. What I really want to know is if changing from to is a better SEO move in general since I guess, technically, it means all my site content would be part of my own domain rather than smugmug's. More importantly, would changing it at this point after I've been using the old one for almost a year end up doing more harm than good? Thanks

    It's up to you. The old links won't go away. Google will index and find your new links just like they did with the old ones.
  • chrisjleechrisjlee Registered Users Posts: 384 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2007

    I don't know if you're familiar with wordpress but with it wordpress I can change the format of my tag with variables: i.e. %postname% blah blah to the order I desire.

    Can I change the format of the page to something like:

    Image_name.jpg - category - site name

    Detroit Wedding Photography Blog
    Canon 10D | 20D | 5D
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2007
    chrisjlee wrote:

    I don't know if you're familiar with wordpress but with it wordpress I can change the format of my <title> tag with variables: i.e. %postname% blah blah to the order I desire.

    Can I change the format of the page to something like:

    Image_name.jpg - category - site name

    Hi Chris, no, I'm sorry, it doesn't work that way on SmugMug - wish I had a better answer for you :(
  • BelgBelg Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited September 16, 2007
    I've been reading up on keywords and trying to figure out how to use them in the most efficient and effective manner. I have some questions that are niggling at my brain about them, and I am hoping that there is a little bit more clarity to be gleaned here.

    Background: I'm a pretty smart systems admistrator with basically little to no web development experience, but quite a bit of SQL/Stuctured query experience... so most of my views are colored by manually writing DB queries for... you guessed it... keywords.

    So... part one of "How does this work best?" is... should there be a heirachial nature to your keywords... eg:

    Main page: "landscape photography" "nature phot..." "xyz phot.."
    Landscape Gallery: "landscape photography" "colorado landscape photog..."
    Colorado Landscape Shot: "landscape photography" "colorado landscape photo.." "independence pass"

    Where "landscape ..." gets (alas, manually) propogated to all images in the subtree as does "colorado .." for that specific gallery... so the child inherets the parent's keywords, but not necessarily it's siblings' (nature would have nature instead of landscape)????

    Does this help in indexing, or index stats, rankings, yadda, yadda? Does it make it easier for anyone? Is it just more work to do with no net benefit?

    I understand that ultimately, each picture should have it's own unique keyword or two... but should it inherit the 6-7 (relevant) KW's from it's parents or not?

    And should your business name be a keyword? :=)

    Help make it clear part II: Common mispellings. Is this useful or a waste of time/effort? Should phto and phtoo (phtooey!) be included or is that just really, really wasteful?

    I'm pretty sure I have more questions, but these two are really racking my brain because no single page in 7+ days of searching has been able to answer it to any satisfaction.... particularly the first.

    SEO research is really, really annoying... and tends to generate a lot more questions than answers.

    Thanks in advance,

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