Can we embed a slideshow from SM to another site?

Most of the galleries on my pro site ( are setup as slideshows. I advertise my business on a couple of other web sites. Each allows you to insert your own HTML for a custom ad if desired. Currently I have static web pages as ads (text with static images linked from my SM account). I'd like to be able to insert some html and have a slideshow (hosted from SM) show up in this ad.
Is this possible? Can I snip some html out of one of my galleires and insert it into a web page and have the slideshow play in that page?
Is this possible? Can I snip some html out of one of my galleires and insert it into a web page and have the slideshow play in that page?
You may have a few problems with this unless you know what you are doing. The slideshow is using some AJAX calls, which run into problems when you try to run them in a cross-domain scenario.
Does that make any sense ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I'm savy enough to snip code and place it into another page. So are you saying there's more to it than that?
The blog :-)
Did anyone ever give an answer to this. I can find plenty of help for embedding a smugmug slideshow on smugmug pages but not for syndicating to other sites
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