Photos look great...if I'm being honest, it looks like the light was a bit harsh -- perhaps midday and/or overhead sunlight -- and it's blown out the colors in a few of them. Later in the day, as I'm sure you know (and I can see from looking at your other photos), would have been better...
The two stream shots are by far my favorites...fabulous. Well done -- happy shooting!
Bill, Photos look great...if I'm being honest, it looks like the light was a bit harsh
I agree with Michael but if CatOne was up there this past weekend as was I...The light was bright, harsh, and the canyons (where the colors were good) do not allow the best of times to shoot (That's why I dragged the kids to Yosemite on Sunday )
I agree with Michael but if CatOne was up there this past weekend as was I...The light was bright, harsh, and the canyons (where the colors were good) do not allow the best of times to shoot (That's why I dragged the kids to Yosemite on Sunday )
Yeah, it was harsh light. I went to Bristlecone forest in the AM and so visited Lake Sabrina, etc., at 2 PM. Couldn't do both in the morning... as we drove down from Lee Vining in the morning (it's about 2 hours from Lee Vining up to the forest, so we got an early start). Actually the Bristlecone may be better in PM light so perhaps I could have reversed it. The streams were a bit later -- more like 3:30 PM -- after the direct light had moved on.
Actually the Bristlecone may be better in PM light so perhaps I could have reversed it.
I have found that Patriarch Grove in Bristlecone is best in the AM light. Obviously the clouds help and you really need to be there way before sunrise which can be tough. The trick is camping up there the night before.
Photos look great...if I'm being honest, it looks like the light was a bit harsh -- perhaps midday and/or overhead sunlight -- and it's blown out the colors in a few of them. Later in the day, as I'm sure you know (and I can see from looking at your other photos), would have been better...
The two stream shots are by far my favorites...fabulous. Well done -- happy shooting!
I agree with Michael but if CatOne was up there this past weekend as was I...The light was bright, harsh, and the canyons (where the colors were good) do not allow the best of times to shoot (That's why I dragged the kids to Yosemite on Sunday
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb
Yeah, it was harsh light. I went to Bristlecone forest in the AM and so visited Lake Sabrina, etc., at 2 PM. Couldn't do both in the morning... as we drove down from Lee Vining in the morning (it's about 2 hours from Lee Vining up to the forest, so we got an early start). Actually the Bristlecone may be better in PM light so perhaps I could have reversed it. The streams were a bit later -- more like 3:30 PM -- after the direct light had moved on.
Can't always get the best time for everything ;-)
I have found that Patriarch Grove in Bristlecone is best in the AM light. Obviously the clouds help and you really need to be there way before sunrise which can be tough. The trick is camping up there the night before.
I got these 2 in 2003 -
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb