Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, Canada
Got to spend 12 days in Canada of those days were spent
backpacking in Mount Assiniboine PP. It was 98 degrees (f)when I left Central California...
our first night in the backcountry was spent camping in the snow, it was a balmy 26 degrees (f) the first night...
We spent two days hiking into the core of Mount Assiniboine PP (20 miles)
Camped at Howard Douglas Lake the first night...
The next day we moved into the core and stayed at Lake Magog...
Mount Assiniboine " Matterhorn of the Rockies" reflected in Lake Magog.
Naiset Point reflected in Lake Magog.
"Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees."
Paul Strand
This is just beautiful, however all of your shots are beautiful,but this I enjoyed looking at the most!! Such clarity in this, and the colors are great.
Got to spend 12 days in Canada of those days were spent
backpacking in Mount Assiniboine PP. It was 98 degrees (f)when I left Central California...
our first night in the backcountry was spent camping in the snow, it was a balmy 26 degrees (f) the first night...
We spent two days hiking into the core of Mount Assiniboine PP (20 miles)
Camped at Howard Douglas Lake the first night...
The next day we moved into the core and stayed at Lake Magog...
Mount Assiniboine " Matterhorn of the Rockies" reflected in Lake Magog.
Got to spend 12 days in Canada of those days were spent
backpacking in Mount Assiniboine PP. It was 98 degrees (f)when I left Central California...
our first night in the backcountry was spent camping in the snow, it was a balmy 26 degrees (f) the first night...
We spent two days hiking into the core of Mount Assiniboine PP (20 miles)
Camped at Howard Douglas Lake the first night...
The next day we moved into the core and stayed at Lake Magog...
Mount Assiniboine " Matterhorn of the Rockies" reflected in Lake Magog.
Naiset Point reflected in Lake Magog.
Paul Strand
Michael - Your others were very nice but this one blew my 'reflections' shot out of the water; literally! Great colors!
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb
Thank You Gubbs for putting my double post together.
Paul Strand
Had a bit of weather too
Paul Strand
Bet it would look great printed very large! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, great picture
There image flows just perfectly for me. With the foreground grass and the perfect color rendition it's like your standing right there
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb
I always enjoy your photography and these are stunning - WOW!
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Paul Strand
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This is my favorite. Love the first one, and the reflections one as well. Gorgeous.
Life Imprints by Kim