challenge 28: Nadi's portraits

I had a christmas party last weekend and used the opportunity to take a few shots of my friends. Here are two I've finished playing with:

What do people think?

What do people think?
The careful man tries to dodge the bullets.... while the happy man takes a walk.
Mark Oliver Everett
Mark Oliver Everett
On the second one, I am one of those people who love that type of framing, some don't. I don't know what others will say. If you are entering it, I would go with the majority opinion, smile.
I was going to buy that framing set up, but it was sooo expensive, for me. I love it, especially as you used it. And I like your toning.
really sets the mood for this image. The second has a sort of "cover art"
feel to it. I like the framing and color tone of the image.
I tried the crop on the arm, but I preferred the original framing. Cloning the arm out didn't work, so I used a lighting effect on a new layer to put the arm in heavier shadow. What do you think?
Mark Oliver Everett
the frame was part of a free sample with the October edition of Digital Photo magazine. You can supposedly get back issues here.
Mark Oliver Everett
In all honesty, I think you have to accept that the shot has a composition problem due to the arm, and either a.) just crop in hard on head/shoulders, b.)graduate down to black for the lower part of the shot, or c.) leave it.
You've got a really nice shot in the other one - I also like the framing.
Mark Oliver Everett
.... but I don't like these as much as the first two....
I know it may seem like I'm going overboard with the borders here, but I just think they go well on portraits.....
Mark Oliver Everett