I was in the mood to shoot. It's dark and rainy. I decided I'd try out the Bee's. My buddy Stranger....a stray cat that makes my home his home for a few hours each night....decided to sit for a few shots. Here's one.

One Alien Bee 800 with an umbrella, positioned high and to the left of subject, about 4ft away. ISO 100 F4 @ 1/250. 20D and 70-200L F2.8 IS. Shot in RAW.
Nothing special, was just in the mood to shoot, and to post....:wave

One Alien Bee 800 with an umbrella, positioned high and to the left of subject, about 4ft away. ISO 100 F4 @ 1/250. 20D and 70-200L F2.8 IS. Shot in RAW.
Nothing special, was just in the mood to shoot, and to post....:wave
Always lurking, sometimes participating. 

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Thomas Fuller.
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