Thanks Andy. Here's a plug to add this a standard user account!
There are many of us who are not professional but would like to be able to prohibit copying.
Thanks for the quick reply
though Andy!
Hi Marie, I won't mince words here, we must have ways to differentiate our account levels - and this is one of them. So I wouldn't count on us adding that to the standard level. I wish I had a better answer for you....
What you must realize though, is that if someone can view one of your pics, they can copy it regardless of what you (or Smugmug) do. Viewing a pic means it gets downloaded to your PC. If it's on your PC and you know where to look to find it, you can copy it...
It's a pro feature on SmugMug:
What you can do as a standard account is, block originals - you do that in gallery customization:
I hope this helps! Holler back if you have more questions.
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There are many of us who are not professional but would like to be able to prohibit copying.
Thanks for the quick reply
though Andy!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Worth a mention, though.