Help! Want to Migrate GoDaddy Web Site Tonight Account to a Pro Account Here!

marsellimarselli Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
edited October 30, 2006 in SmugMug Support
Hello, folks;

I am a subscriber to GoDaddy's Web Site Tonight premium service; it's basically FrontPage online.

I'd like to migrate my site their to here, because basically the limitations of WST outweight the benefits (I own the domain, but their WST account tools do NOT allow for sub-domains or CNAMES). So, I became a Fotki premium member and stuck with the inline frames solution (IFRAMES command). Well, that basically sucked, because Fotki just turned off automatic resizing on their servers; plus, though Fotki is a bargain, you get what you pay for. Lucky if you get responses in 1-3 weeks (I think they are fine people, but it's getting crazy, taking new technology and using the customers as beta testers).

The IFRAMES command enabled me to keep users at my site and the folks at Fotki did kill the gallery pathways, RSS feeds, etc. I wanted that because I didn't want my visitors to see anything but the gallery I gave them.

The IFRAMES command is the only thing I could upon rely, and here's the snippet I use:

<IFRAME id=resultspane name=resultspane marginWidth=0 src="; frameBorder=0 width="100%" onload=rF=window.frames.resultspane;; height=800 allowTransparency overflow="hidden"></IFRAME>

If I set scrolling=no, that's just what happens. You get a corner of whatever the full-size shot is. Also, GoDaddy, though they allow custom HTML, sometimes it would deep-six the scrolling=no line when the site got assembled, but then, sometimes not.

IFRAMES also sucks because double sliders (2 vertical, 2 horizantal) drives your typical user nuts.

I'm not a professional photographer, I just have a site which is a way to catolog my life with my children post-divorce, through the written word, but mainly through phototraphs, so that friends and family can keep up with what is going on with me.

All of my galleries are locked, because most of the photos are of I and my children. However, I'll unlock the top 3 galleries for the pros here to look at what I've done.

Basically, I use GoDaddy's Business Template which is a CSS type, and replaced the header photo with my own image, and use IFRAMES command syntax above to get my message out there.

If anyone here could figure out a way to migrate my site to this place, I'd be in heaven.

The site is here:

I decided to go with the pro account here at smugmug because I can keep my own domain.

I hope this is not too much to ask, but I'm not really a Web site designer; I just want the ability to have things work the way I wish without headaches every time I want something which shouud be relatively simple for me to implement and my visitors to enjoy (I'm not really into the idea of selling photos; just enjoying the moment behind the lens).

Many thanks to all in advance,



  • renstarrenstar Registered Users Posts: 167 Major grins
    edited October 30, 2006
    Hi Michael,

    I'm not going to reply to any of your points directly, because I don't have much time right now, but I'll share my customization experience with you. I found it very very easy to do exactly what you want to do. I simply found a CSS template that i liked (in this case, a wordpress template that I decided to use for the rest of my site) and then followed smugmug's documentation for changing things like border colors, hiding features i dont want visible, etc to make my smugmug site look like the wordpress template. I havnt had much time to work on it and fix the 1 or 2 outstanding bugs with the layout i chose, but all in all, im quite please. You can see for yourself at (i also have a domain name pointing to it,, though that doesnt go to the photo section by default). Feel free to PM me though if you have questions as you get started,, and others (mike, ivar, and everyone else) are also very very helpful too. Good luck!


    ps if you havnt signed up, or if you havnt used a referal code, you can use my referal code to save 5 bucks (i save 10 on my renewal): 2LcQZT2l3kEpw
  • marsellimarselli Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited October 30, 2006
    Great Input and Just What I Needed; Time to Roll up My Sleeves Follow Steps...
    Thanks, Renstar,

    Will do. I know my post was protracted, but my gut feeling has been confirmed. All I will hopefully need to do is read the threads which give the step-by-step instructions, and hopefully only need some quick specifics answered.

    In a word, it would appear by what you've said that this process is not difficult. It only requires reading and following steps that others have already layed out.

    Your offer is most appreciated. Time for a bit of guided learning on my own to get things jump-started. That should at least get the process in order.

    Many thanks,

    renstar wrote:
    Hi Michael,

    I'm not going to reply to any of your points directly, because I don't have much time right now, but I'll share my customization experience with you. I found it very very easy to do exactly what you want to do. I simply found a CSS template that i liked (in this case, a wordpress template that I decided to use for the rest of my site) and then followed smugmug's documentation for changing things like border colors, hiding features i dont want visible, etc to make my smugmug site look like the wordpress template. I havnt had much time to work on it and fix the 1 or 2 outstanding bugs with the layout i chose, but all in all, im quite please. You can see for yourself at (i also have a domain name pointing to it,, though that doesnt go to the photo section by default). Feel free to PM me though if you have questions as you get started,, and others (mike, ivar, and everyone else) are also very very helpful too. Good luck!


    ps if you havnt signed up, or if you havnt used a referal code, you can use my referal code to save 5 bucks (i save 10 on my renewal): 2LcQZT2l3kEpw
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 30, 2006
    Stay tuned, for our very own Barb, to come to the rescue!
  • BarbBarb Administrators Posts: 3,352 SmugMug Employee
    edited October 30, 2006
    Hi Michael :)

    Let us know if you need anything getting started. We are here to help!
    Smug since 2006
    SmugMug Help
  • marsellimarselli Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited October 30, 2006
    OK, Barb, The Lethal Combo of Your Avatars...
    Has jettisoned my feigned desire to be a proud amateur. [Bad rhymes and writing alerts aplenty, of course the rails of which were nailed down before I placed this warning; so uselessly nested amongst similar blather slouching towards all that is rightfully nonsensical, it really didn't matter where I placed it...why does that spell sublime to me?]

    I'm adding this note after you offered help; I've decided what's best is to fling to the winds every jot of pride, disentrhrall the ensuing madness which would surely come if I strarted by myself like any normal human being, and simply do what any true man of spinelessness must at times like this (by necessity or simply do the deed as quickly as possible for its own sake) admit:

    Andy's super-hero countenance, there in NYC merely strenghening that epithet (I mean, he's already got the titles GM and House Pro), coupled with Barb's dead-on pose of seeing the truth of an ancient sage (and good Lord, in Boise) is a double threat that's shamed all foolish pride out of me.

    So, I ask, play the lickspittle, the toady, the fawning sycophant and simply ask (note the intentional drop of the word "humble;" sycophants are by nature incapable of anything but humility when surrounded by such incisive power such as Barb and Andy harbor)...

    I need help getting started.

    There, I did it.

    So with a rueless pose in sight unseen, this spineless fool no avatar owning, but with site's address shown my countenance there showing; I awaiting your help, with arrogance supposing.

    With ever-pleas'd guile, I sign these words set to them my name,

    Michael D. Marselli
    (Proud Lickspittle)
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