Domain CNAME somehow messed up
Okay, I have totally messed up my smugmug domain forwarding. we were using the domain but we have now changed it to but for some reason I can't get the cname thing worked out. I thought I did it exactly the same for as I did for but for some reason it doesn't work. I did go in to godaddy and remove the cname stuff for davehobday and made davehobday forward to amberbrookephoto and then went into amberbrooke and changed the cname stuff but it still won't work. Also while changing the domain name stuff I changed the nickname on smugmug which I understand does change the domain to My fiancee said I made too many changes so consequently is the reason nothing works now! Help! "doesn't work" :dunno "doesn't work" :dunno
Your web site ( has a CNAME record pointing to That by itself is confusing, but acceptable. However, the CNAME record in this case causes an extra DNS lookup, which will slightly delay visitors to your website, and use extra bandwidth.
Explanation: your CNAME for www is not pointing to your smugmug site. You will need to fix this in godaddy's interface.
It can take 24 to 48 hours. Holler for help , if you have troubles after that time
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Your web site ( has a CNAME record pointing to That by itself is confusing, but acceptable. However, the CNAME record in this case causes an extra DNS lookup, which will slightly delay visitors to your website, and use extra bandwidth.
I was able to successfully browse to your smugmug site using so it is working now. You will however need to wait for your local ISP to update their DNS cache for your domain before you will be able to see the change. It will work fine right now for anyone who has never tried accessing your site at the new domain name.
Hi Beach Bill and Andy, Thanks for checking on this for me. I guess my local isp did update as I am able to now get to the site just fine using either or . However, I guess I am a glutton for punishment, can you explain what you mean by having to go an extra DNS lookup? Is there a way I can still land at (and have the shopping cart work and visitors favorite galleries remembered) other than how I have it now working with the cname at godaddy? Andy says simple forwarding and masking messes up the shopping cart for visitors? Thanks for all your help! Gwen
No worries there. A CNAME does require an extra DNS lookup, however a CNAME is designed for exactly what Smugmug is using it for, when you (Gwen) do not have control over the IP address that Smugmug will use for your site. A CNAME gives you the flexibility of using your own domain name with Smugmug.
You could use an A record, which would only require one DNS lookup, however you would need to change the A record every time Smugmug changes the IP address of your site. A CNAME eliminates the need for you to constantly monitor the IP address; any changes are picked up automatically via that second DNS lookup.
Hi again, Okay, I understand all this (mostly). Anyway, we have the domain name and also the domain name and would like to forward them to but when I try to simply forward them to that address they somehow go to just is there a way to forward other domains to the site and have them get there instead of just going to the site? Can you forward them by way of the AHost? And of course I am assuming if that is possible then when the server address got changed I would have to change it to the new server address. Thanks, Gwen
You can forward other names to amberbrookphoto - that's the way to do it
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Forward them to and you will get the effect you desire.
Thanks! I'll try to leave you alone for a while now! Gwen