Is auto color going to come back to haunt me?

Lately, when customers order prints that I have a hard time getting the color just right on (which is more often than you might think, partly because my current old laptop is uncalibrateable - can't wait for my new one to come), I've just gotten it as close as I can, then switched over the order to auto color. Is auto going to come back to haunt me, or does it at the very least do no harm?
We get near zero returns (measured against a gajillion orders) on Auto Color. You know I've got your back, too. Let us know if there's ever any trouble.
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Yep, I know you've got my back, which is why I let the one order that was as close as I could get it but I accidentally shipped it in true color slide. Hopefully it'll look fine, but since I can't be 100% sure ever of anything until I get my new, calibrateable, laptop, I figured it better to take the slim chance of a reprint that look like a fool to the customer.