Superstition Mountains, Arizona

Had a few extra minutes one day while working nearbye, so I drove out to the Superstition Mountains.

The map.

Javelina's have caused a lot of damage to cactus in this particular area.

I thought this one was very unique. Would have been great for the contrast challenge.


The map.

Javelina's have caused a lot of damage to cactus in this particular area.

I thought this one was very unique. Would have been great for the contrast challenge.

"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I like the map, is that real or just what some random person put on a rock for fun, to fool easterners like myself? Here it'd move include a bit more of whatevers in the bottom right, it looks a little bit cut off, I think it's a teepee?
I agree that the heart shaped cactus is kind of ironic, but I'd like a little more breathing room on the left side of the um? leaf?
Thanks for posting!!
SmugMug Support Specialist -
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
Thank you. That is a dead cactus that you are seeing in the second and third shots. As far as the rocks they do have a red tint to them but the first picture was taken at sunset which enhanced the color.
The map is unknown as far as how the carvings in the rocks got there. I was really only focused on the carving of the mountains and the sun since the picture is facing east. I plan to go back at sunrise one weekend to get a nice sky as well as the rock. The one side is a little chopped but when shooting around cactus- you are limited on where you can stand.
I agree about the heart shaped cactus but there is no breathing room. Just out of the frame is another part of the cactus.
Thank you for the comments.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I shot from two different locations.
The first three pictures were shot from just outside of Lost Dutchman State Park. I stopped on the side of the road and hiked in about 1/4 mile (proabably illegally went through the state park fence) oops
The second three were shot from Lost Goldmine Trail in Gold Canyon. Same thing maybe went a few hundred yards, I was still in my work clothes.
Rest of the pics that are posted so far.. More to come
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
But what are javelinas? I guess feral animals of some sort...
Ah, now I know - I googled. That's not the name knew them as when I was a volunteer zoo guide back in Australia.
I understand that completly too, nice catch though and I do love it for a contrast theme.
Also, I think retaking the map picture with the sunrise would be an awesome shot! It'd really tie in the rock, history, background, and their relationships to each other.
SmugMug Support Specialist -
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
My Gallery
Looks like a location where many hours could be spend taking wonderful photographs. Thanks for posting these.
Thank you Awais.
Javelina's are similar to bore's or wild pigs. They are about the size of a medium dog, about 20-30lbs have terrible eyesite, but will charge you if they feel threatened. They are all over the southwest and are vegetarians eating cactus, wild berries, and such.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
This place is pretty majestic with multiple trails, changes in scenery and plant life, once a year snow will cover the top, and rumors of hidden gold. This is the first time I ever shot it but will not be the last.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion