Xmas eve...

Out of here for a few days..merry xmas to all & hope you & your familys stay safe.
Oh & Happy Honica fish :1drink

Whilst it seems a little morbid,
Xmas eve will only ever remind me of Darwin 30 years back...i was 10 & still remember the family sitting around the wireless listening to reports & the B&W photos from the news papers as cyclone tracy took the city from our map.
The storm hit at midnight 24/25 dec & 9000 of the towns 12000 houses were wiped out. I remember thinking at the time of about the amount kids that woke up without presents. In fact..they didnt have homes. I still have the toy steam engine (i recon dad saved for a year to buy it) i got that year & the guilt i felt playing with it knowing so many kids had missed out.
Probably where the fascination with storms began
Oh & Happy Honica fish :1drink

Whilst it seems a little morbid,
Xmas eve will only ever remind me of Darwin 30 years back...i was 10 & still remember the family sitting around the wireless listening to reports & the B&W photos from the news papers as cyclone tracy took the city from our map.
The storm hit at midnight 24/25 dec & 9000 of the towns 12000 houses were wiped out. I remember thinking at the time of about the amount kids that woke up without presents. In fact..they didnt have homes. I still have the toy steam engine (i recon dad saved for a year to buy it) i got that year & the guilt i felt playing with it knowing so many kids had missed out.
Probably where the fascination with storms began