you guys do talk funny that sure looks like a red belly .how do they compare in size .the biggest black widow i have seen 1 1/2 maybe 2 [dif in how you measure]?
you guys do talk funny that sure looks like a red belly .how do they compare in size .the biggest black widow i have seen 1 1/2 maybe 2 [dif in how you measure]?
I see what you mean. She actually has a large red strip over her back as well...ive had the misfortune to be in the firing line with a few of these so i dont play with them too much.
They dont suffer fools well. Bout the same size but most of the big ones are maybe 1"1/2 dia leg to leg. Only the females are this big & coloured. The males are small & grey...she eats him eventually hence the name of yours.
you guys do talk funny
Nice shot
They dont suffer fools well. Bout the same size but most of the big ones are maybe 1"1/2 dia leg to leg. Only the females are this big & coloured. The males are small & grey...she eats him eventually hence the name of yours.