printing resolution
I recently saw on this forum that an 8X10 is printed with a 4meg pixel image resolution. Is that set in stone or is the printing size determined by the actual image resolution of the file. My camera is capable of printing an 8X10 with 8meg pixels. That is approx 300 ppi as opposed to 200 ppi or less..
It just seems a waist to not use the full capabilities of the camera.
It just seems a waist to not use the full capabilities of the camera.
We use your original image to make our prints. We have a spec for MINIMUMs that must be adhered to, but we recommend using the full file from your camera
BTW, your 8mpx camera can produce HUGE images, not just 8x10. Trust us. Have a read here:
And then fire off any more questions you have. We'll be here to help.
BTW, one of my biggest selling prints, is from an 8mpx camera, and I print it routinely at 6feet by 4feet.
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I have had three 8X10 printed and sent ot me. they were actually better than my orignal. looked like they adjusted WB slightly.
For SmugMug prints is it best to save as jpeg or Tif?
I'm sure the answer is here but I can't find it.
Arizona, USA
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Arizona, USA