Upload impossible
Hi everyone...
I signed last week to SmugMug, and until now, all I'm getting is a nerve-wrecking experience. :bash
There seems to be a problem whenever I try to upload my pics. Whether per Java or Explorer upload, or even SendToSM... nothing seems to work. It goes extreeeemely slow, and then it just stops. Jave says something like socket error or so...
The SendToSM soft works only with files around 60k, but with anything bigger (that is, almost everything else), it says "uploading" and after a loooong while responds with "Total uploaded files: 0, in 1 hour 20 min" (for example). Amazing.
I've tried uploading from other PCs and it seems fine, they go up like whooosh!, but not at home, and I have DSL, but nothing goes... :scratch
I mailed Help at SM, and asked me to perform a Line Quality test and send them the results, but no answer yet... hmmm...
Anyone had the same problem? Could something be wrong with my PC? Is it the firewall that prevents me from connecting to SM? Is it the line, which works perfectly with any other FTP/huge file uploading website? Is it me? Is it a plane? Is it a man? Nope, it's... aahh, I don't know... :dunno
Would appreciate any help. Thanks a lot in advance...
I signed last week to SmugMug, and until now, all I'm getting is a nerve-wrecking experience. :bash
There seems to be a problem whenever I try to upload my pics. Whether per Java or Explorer upload, or even SendToSM... nothing seems to work. It goes extreeeemely slow, and then it just stops. Jave says something like socket error or so...
The SendToSM soft works only with files around 60k, but with anything bigger (that is, almost everything else), it says "uploading" and after a loooong while responds with "Total uploaded files: 0, in 1 hour 20 min" (for example). Amazing.
I've tried uploading from other PCs and it seems fine, they go up like whooosh!, but not at home, and I have DSL, but nothing goes... :scratch
I mailed Help at SM, and asked me to perform a Line Quality test and send them the results, but no answer yet... hmmm...
Anyone had the same problem? Could something be wrong with my PC? Is it the firewall that prevents me from connecting to SM? Is it the line, which works perfectly with any other FTP/huge file uploading website? Is it me? Is it a plane? Is it a man? Nope, it's... aahh, I don't know... :dunno
Would appreciate any help. Thanks a lot in advance...
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Also, you might try connecting directly to your dsl modem - no wireless, no router... let's see if that works.
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I completely shut it down and tried to upload via Java... and voilà, it went smoothly.
Anyone who's run into the same problem?
Thanks in advance...