New to Birding
Am having lots of fun though. I'm using the 70-300 IS so my shots aren't anything like you masters post on this thread but thought I'd share some of the joy!
Here's a wildlife refuge us locals frequent:

Living in Minnesota we have lots and lots of these:

Some geese too

I think this is a blue heron but maybe not....notice the chunk out of his neck

Canadians passing through. If you look closely...directly in the middle about 1 inch up from bottom, you'll see a hawk sitting in the tree.

Often times the juveniles are on the other side of the river and the 300 is a little tough to get there. This one was on my side of the road and could get fairly close:

Then he took off but many trees were in the flight path. Even though I clipped his wing it's my best close up to date...I keep trying

Thanks for looking :lust
Here's a wildlife refuge us locals frequent:

Living in Minnesota we have lots and lots of these:

Some geese too

I think this is a blue heron but maybe not....notice the chunk out of his neck

Canadians passing through. If you look closely...directly in the middle about 1 inch up from bottom, you'll see a hawk sitting in the tree.

Often times the juveniles are on the other side of the river and the 300 is a little tough to get there. This one was on my side of the road and could get fairly close:

Then he took off but many trees were in the flight path. Even though I clipped his wing it's my best close up to date...I keep trying

Thanks for looking :lust
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
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NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Dave NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Your images appear to be slightly over-saturated
Thanks for sharing.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
My Gallery
Birding is a blast. Just might have to look at the 100-400 IS. Can't afford a 500mm, not for 5200 smackers. Sorry about the saturation in these. I shoot RAW 99.9% of the time and have a pretty smooth work flow...these were all in JPeg...for some reason after working on them in DPP, then importing to PS something happened. Kind of tees me....will rework them and see what's going on. Thanks Dick for bringing that to my attention.
Thank you everyone for your comments and support. Obviously, "making" photographs versus taking pictures is what I strive for. Birding can be pretty fast paced. All of you do such a great job and I really enjoy your photos.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
I think you did great, especially with a 300mm handicap!!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
You probably already know that a telephoto zoom is always soft at the long end.....nothing you can do about it.:cry
I struggled with my 75-300 IS for quite awhile before that finally sunk in to me. I hear that the new 70-300 IS is better, as is evidenced by your shots. I went out and bought the 70-300 DO IS and it was much better, but still soft at 300. So, after all that wasted time and cash, I finally bought the 300L f/4 IS. There is no comparison. My percentage of keepers quadrupled right off. Now I deposit shots in the recycle bin that I used to struggle to save.....because that's all I had.
Just my experience.....hope it helps you.
Oh, and don't forget the 1.4 TC! (a must for birding)
Really appreciate it. Always enjoy your images....hey, let's hop on the bikes and ride out to Bryce....I need a nice shot for the wall over the loveseat...
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
Yes, thanks for sharing that because I've been thinking along those lines....good food for thought. I might go after the 400 prime. Saw a really nice deal on the flea market here but don't have the cash right now...that lens with a 1.4 tc would be perfect. I agree about the softness at 300mm. I like the lens overall and think it will serve many purposes, but for true birding a prime can't be beat. Thanks again.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
My website | NANPA Member
but these sure look like a juvenile bald eagle to me. (of course, I'm no expert.) Nice shots...Regards...Keith
Then he took off but many trees were in the flight path. Even though I clipped his wing it's my best close up to date...I keep trying
Thanks for looking