Oldies but newies
Every now and again I go back and have a look at my old raw pictures that were consigned to the "rubbish bin" at the time of taking.I've found that the more I learn about Photoshop etc the more I can do with some of these pictures.Here are 2 which I've had a play with today.The originals were very dull and boring and not really worth a second glance.I actually quite like what I've done with them.
1.A b&w conversion,some dodging and burning and a very light blue tone added.

The next 2 are different variations on the same picture.Cool and warm.

Every now and again I go back and have a look at my old raw pictures that were consigned to the "rubbish bin" at the time of taking.I've found that the more I learn about Photoshop etc the more I can do with some of these pictures.Here are 2 which I've had a play with today.The originals were very dull and boring and not really worth a second glance.I actually quite like what I've done with them.
1.A b&w conversion,some dodging and burning and a very light blue tone added.

The next 2 are different variations on the same picture.Cool and warm.

Canon 20d IR converted,30D,17-40L,100-400 isL,50 1.8 mk2,Sigma 105mm Macro,Sigma 300 F2.8,Kenko Pro 1.4x Tcon
Canon 20d IR converted,30D,17-40L,100-400 isL,50 1.8 mk2,Sigma 105mm Macro,Sigma 300 F2.8,Kenko Pro 1.4x Tcon
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
My Gallery
Canon 20d IR converted,30D,17-40L,100-400 isL,50 1.8 mk2,Sigma 105mm Macro,Sigma 300 F2.8,Kenko Pro 1.4x Tcon
These are all nice...you must be very demanding.