New York City Marathon 2K6
I got some shots while I was there. I live on 5th Ave so I had plenty of good spots to pick from. My wife and I had a lot of fun this year spectating it even though we missed the two runners we knew in the race.
New Dodge Charger the NYPD is trying out.

First wheelchair

I live on 5th Ave. Wish I could’ve parked my car on the sidewalk

Leading Ladies. Jelena won

floating on air

leading man

New Dodge Charger the NYPD is trying out.

First wheelchair

I live on 5th Ave. Wish I could’ve parked my car on the sidewalk

Leading Ladies. Jelena won

floating on air

leading man

Canon 40D : Canon 400D : Canon Elan 7NE : Canon 580EX : 2 x Canon 430EX : Canon 24-70 f2.8L : Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM : Canon 28-135mm f/3.5 IS : 18-55mm f/3.5 : 4GB Sandisk Extreme III : 2GB Sandisk Extreme III : 2 x 1GB Sandisk Ultra II : Sekonik L358
support "system" (hmm... challenge 77):
saw this guy last year too
Lance Armstrong... I was expecting the Yellow in front to be him... did a triple take on the LCD display after.
shouild I get out the way?
Live entertainment.
after running 1 mile I wouldn't be able to chat on the phone or take my own pics like some of these runners did after 20.
more here
I have a shot of a dude who is running (in one of the leading packs) and talking on his cell phone. Like it ain't no thang.