Wilsons Promontory

Rach, Riley and I got away for a few days and went camping at Wilsons Promontory National Park for an extended weekend. The weather was pretty crappy, but I did get a chance to get out ans shoot a little bit.
Tidal River

Norman Bay

Whisky Bay

Whisky Bay

C&C most welcome.
Tidal River

Norman Bay

Whisky Bay

Whisky Bay

C&C most welcome.
Those could also be very, very dark storm clouds in 3 and 4 and I am a little off
Disraeli Photography
"Only when the last tree has died, the last river poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money" Cree Indian Proverb
Hey Todd,
Thanks for the reply. I would suggest pilot error
I was metering manually, so some of my exposures are crap. But I also had a few other exposure that seem to be better. Not quite sure why I choose some of them.
Thanks for the feedback.
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Almost looks HDR to me... Love the sky.
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...but great photos all the same. Add my vote to the darker renditions, especially Norman Bay.
I also love the darker versions, absolutely great!
Oh, and btw.... "pilot error"? what are you saying here?
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Amazing pictures.
Checked out your entire gallery, wow! Really nice.
Canon Rebel XT