How to preserve order after upload?
How do I upload a gallery in a specific order?
I have photos ordered in Adobe Bridge (sorted first by star rating, then by time taken) and I'd like to upload them to a gallery and preserve the order after upload so that the highest rated photos are first in the gallery.
I know I could manually order them after upload, but I have 16 galleries to upload this way and all are already ordered in Bridge so I'd like to save myself some time and find a way to preserve this order.
I normally use StarExplorer for my uploads so I can upload multiple galleries in one upload session.
Any ideas?
I have photos ordered in Adobe Bridge (sorted first by star rating, then by time taken) and I'd like to upload them to a gallery and preserve the order after upload so that the highest rated photos are first in the gallery.
I know I could manually order them after upload, but I have 16 galleries to upload this way and all are already ordered in Bridge so I'd like to save myself some time and find a way to preserve this order.
I normally use StarExplorer for my uploads so I can upload multiple galleries in one upload session.
Any ideas?
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Any ideas here? If I have photos sorted by rating before I upload, how do I upload them so they show in the gallery in that order?
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of any others. Sort options are by dates, file name and captions. If
you don't have captions add the ratings there before upload and then
sort after upload. Once sorted you can bulk delete the captions.
Any help?
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That's a good back-stop suggestion. I did an experiment and they do show up in the gallery in the order they are uploaded from S*E, so if I manually drag them into StarExplorer in the order I want them to appear in the gallery, that works. But, if I drag 50 files at once from Bridge to StarExplorer, they end up sorted by filename, not by the order they were in Bridge (I don't know if it's Bridge changing the order in the drag/drop info it gives S*E or whether it's S*E doing it).
I'm off to correspond with Nikolai on S*E to see if I can get it to preserve the order from Bridge when I drag/drop into S*E.
I have about 50 images each for 15 galleries (all already sorted in Bridge) so I'm just trying to save myself some manual work here.
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This doesn't make sense to me. Maybe I'm not understanding. If you change the filename by adding a sequential prefix, the sort order in bridge and the sort order of the filename should be the same. Then smugmug will sort by that filename in the order that you want it.
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I think you misunderstood me (or I wasn't very clear). I haven't tried the renaming thing yet. It should work.
My comment was about an experiment I did without renaming before I saw your comment.
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Got it.
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Just to close off this thread. Nikolai is going to add this feature to Star Explorer so it will preserve the sort order from Bridge. See this posting for his summary. For now, the work-around is to rename in Bridge before dropping into Star Explorer.
Thanks for the help.
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I discovered (by accident) today that the Java Uploader preserves the upload order from Bridge. Just sort how you want them in Bridge. Then drag/drop into the Java Uploader and it will upload them in the exact order they were in Bridge. This is useful for uploading in some special sort order like by sorted by rating.
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