Feature request 2: Pictures in multiple folders
... and here's a second one:
Each uploaded picture is put in a SINGLE folder, although it probably could belong to several ones.
Why are not being able to give to "tag" each picture to be part of SEVERAL folders/albums/galleries?:scratch
Each uploaded picture is put in a SINGLE folder, although it probably could belong to several ones.
Why are not being able to give to "tag" each picture to be part of SEVERAL folders/albums/galleries?:scratch
Hopefully, with more customers (like you, me and others:-) requesting this feature it will get to the "Don's List" sooner:-)
I've visited, tried, checked and experimented with tons of websites, scripts, softs and blogs related with picture galleries and I've always been extremely surprised to see that none of them was able to imlement such a feature, which seems to be to be reallly a basic one - even for text articles.
i.e. when you publish travel photos and you want to obtain a kind of journal, you first make them appear under chronological folders, which sounds logical. But why not have them archived AT THE SAME TIME also under other topic related folders (Paris, New-York, cars, planes, Samantha, meal receipts, flowers, blabla...)?
Never really understood this lack of feature and I don't really think it's a big deal: it's just a question of adding tags to each picture, allowing them to be part of other folder(s).
OK, let's see what happens here.
The "only" roadbloacks are:
- For some reason it was not in the original design..
- Introducing something like that while having thousands of "live" customers and millions of already uploaded files can potentially screw up all the existing accounts..
Also, such transition would require a lot of R&D/IT horsepower - which may not be necessarily availalbe..Let's hope for the best - and use whatever is available now:-)