I got sales!!!

NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
edited November 11, 2006 in Mind Your Own Business
Not only I already got a few orders from the reenactment galleries - some of the calendars have being purchased, too! :ivar
Man, it feels great! :barb
"May the f/stop be with you!"


  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,313 moderator
    edited November 9, 2006
    Fantastic! That must feel great after all the work you put into those.
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    David_S85 wrote:
    Fantastic! That must feel great after all the work you put into those.

    You bet it does! :D
    I only hope there will be more of those..rolleyes1.gifmwink.gifrolleyes1.gif
    Cheers! 1drink.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • AntoineDAntoineD Registered Users Posts: 393 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    Congratulations thumb.gif
    have a quick look at my portfolio (there's a photolog, too) :: (11-07-2006) experiencing a new flash portfolio. What do you think?
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    AntoineD wrote:
    Congratulations thumb.gif
    Merci beaucoup! :D
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • AntoineDAntoineD Registered Users Posts: 393 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    Nikolai wrote:
    Merci beaucoup! :D

    приветствия ! :D
    have a quick look at my portfolio (there's a photolog, too) :: (11-07-2006) experiencing a new flash portfolio. What do you think?
  • Ann McRaeAnn McRae Registered Users Posts: 4,584 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    Great news Nik!!! Congrats!

    Are you happy with Lulu?

  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited November 9, 2006
    Congrats! It's a pretty cool thing to get that email.
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    Hey, Nikolai that is really cool!!!

    I have sold about 3 photos that way and the e-mail feels super good!

    Also, the experience taught me not to post things with a small frame around them. Someone purchased a bird shot that way. I don't think it was intentional. I should have e-mailed the person. But I have not framed anything since, smile.

    congratulations, and I love your shots. Am going to a reinactment at a plantation of the Battle Of Seccionville (spelling is atrocious, you probabaly know which one I am talking about). I have never actually gone to a reinactment and have no idea what to expect. We have many here in the Charleston area. I don't like crowds and I don't like walking, don't like paying to get in, etc. But I am going to this one to see what I can do.
    Your shots are super great!!! I can see why they are selling.

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited November 9, 2006
    WTG Nik clap.gifwings.gif :ivar

    It's a great feeling to know that others think enough of your work to pay for it :D

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited November 9, 2006
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    Ann McRae wrote:
    Great news Nik!!! Congrats!

    Are you happy with Lulu?



    Re: lulu. I don't know. They are OK, I guess. Some things in their UI are quirky and you gotta be very careful unless you want to start from scratch after a little mistake, but once you "get it" it's simple enough. And if it works - I'm a happy camper :D

    Best wishes from CA to Ca! mwink.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    truth wrote:
    Congrats! It's a pretty cool thing to get that email.

    Thanks! Totally! clap.gif
    Cheers! 1drink.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    ginger_55 wrote:
    Hey, Nikolai that is really cool!!!
    I have sold about 3 photos that way and the e-mail feels super good!
    I got 3 orders, totalling 8 prints thus far. Jusging by falling stats, that's probably it. Still feels good:-)

    ginger_55 wrote:
    Also, the experience taught me not to post things with a small frame around them. Someone purchased a bird shot that way. I don't think it was intentional. I should have e-mailed the person. But I have not framed anything since, smile.

    Totally agree. PS-type frames look fancy online, but in prints they are all sorts of trouble...
    ginger_55 wrote:
    congratulations, and I love your shots. Am going to a reinactment at a plantation of the Battle Of Seccionville (spelling is atrocious, you probabaly know which one I am talking about). I have never actually gone to a reinactment and have no idea what to expect. We have many here in the Charleston area. I don't like crowds and I don't like walking, don't like paying to get in, etc. But I am going to this one to see what I can do.
    Your shots are super great!!! I can see why they are selling.

    Thank you, I appreciate it!

    Judging by the orders, people mostly purchased the picutres of themselves and of their relatives/friends. That "blast" shot was the exception, as was the totally "random" shot of the full moon, which got purchased, too:-).
    I guess I'll keep this in mind and try to shoot more portrait-like things in the future.

    Good luck with your event! thumb.gif

    Cheers! 1drink.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    WTG Nik clap.gifwings.gif :ivar

    It's a great feeling to know that others think enough of your work to pay for it :D


    Thanks, man!

    Yeah, it's that "warm fuzzy feeling"...

    But most importantly - it looks like that this series helped me to land a stringer job for a local newspaper. We're meeting next week:-) :ivar Keep your fingers crossed..mwink.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    Angelo wrote:
    Congrats Nikko wings.gif
    Thanks, appreciate it! thumb.gif
    Cheers! 1drink.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • SloYerRollSloYerRoll Registered Users Posts: 2,788 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    Very cool Nik!
    Very cool indeed!wings.gif

  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2006
    SloYerRoll wrote:
    Very cool Nik!
    Very cool indeed!wings.gif


    Feels good:-)thumb.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2006
    Nikolai wrote:
    I got 3 orders, totalling 8 prints thus far. Jusging by falling stats, that's probably it.
    I was wrong, and, man, am I glad I was!
    Another order for 12(!) prints came in today!wings.gif

    And the funny thing is: I found it by accident while testing broken (and now fixed) sales info download for my Star*Explorer.
    This one feels even better :ivar
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2006
    Great photos, and you are on a roll with them!!!! Congrats again! Maybe I should check your prices, smile.

    Did you hand out your card? How did they know where to look for the photos of themselves.............and I can imagine that they would want one.

    I would love the press pass from a stringer job!!! Plus, maybe I could actually ask for releases from the people I am shooting.

    I am NOT looking fwd to the reinactment this weekend. Hope our great weather holds, and that would make for some warm reinactors, smile!

    Where are you taking photos of reinactments. I am on the southeast coast of USA in the Charleston, South Carolina area. This is a tourist area, very much an historical city and area, so naturally they have many reinactments. Charleston was very big in the Amer Revolution, so many reinactments are of that, and, of course, the Civil War.............we are the south and were in the thick of that one. If I am going to go to one of these things, I am glad that it is the Civil War.

    Roll on!!!! Smile, you have a good thing going. People love this subject! And you do it well!

    ginger (did you give out your card at the time?)
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2006
    ginger_55 wrote:
    Great photos, and you are on a roll with them!!!! Congrats again! Maybe I should check your prices, smile.
    Thanks! And please do check my prices:-) They are not cheap, and still people purchase...:-)

    Did you hand out your card? How did they know where to look for the photos of themselves.............and I can imagine that they would want one.
    I did better:-) I contacted the organizers at http://www.forttejon.org/moorpark/
    If you check both photo links on the bottom, you'd notice someting in each one of them, especially on the 2006:-)

    I would love the press pass from a stringer job!!! Plus, maybe I could actually ask for releases from the people I am shooting.
    Thanks what I'm hoping to get...:D
    Where are you taking photos of reinactments.

    Moorpark, CA
    Roll on!!!! Smile, you have a good thing going. People love this subject! And you do it well!

    Thanks again!
    did you give out your card at the time?
    No, see above, I managed to get my link on the organizers website.

    Cheers! 1drink.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • ChrisJChrisJ Registered Users Posts: 2,164 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2006
    Great stuff, Nik. I've definitely enjoyed your Civil War pics. Your results show how much work you've been putting in on your photos.
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2006
    ChrisJ wrote:
    Great stuff, Nik. I've definitely enjoyed your Civil War pics. Your results show how much work you've been putting in on your photos.


    I'm afraid it's only a matter of being able to reach the target audience (with the help of kind people at fort tejon website). Without it I doubt I'd get 10K hits a day...
    Which proves the point that if you want to practice X (X being photography, surfing, skiiing, etc) as a business, you need to learn and practice business first...ne_nau.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • John MuellerJohn Mueller Registered Users Posts: 2,555 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2006
    Cool beans Nikclap.gif
    Many more for you.
  • JeffroJeffro Registered Users Posts: 1,941 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2006
    Getting sales is a great feeling. As for the calendar, did you get modle releases? I've stayed away from offering a calendar from my MX races since I would suspect one would want a piece of the action if they saw their photo in a commercially offered calendar....anyone see a problem there? ne_nau.gif
    Always lurking, sometimes participating. :D
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2006
    Cool beans Nikclap.gif
    Many more for you.

    Thanks man! thumb.gif
    Keep your fingers crossed:-) :D
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2006
    Jeffro wrote:
    Getting sales is a great feeling. As for the calendar, did you get modle releases? I've stayed away from offering a calendar from my MX races since I would suspect one would want a piece of the action if they saw their photo in a commercially offered calendar....anyone see a problem there? ne_nau.gif

    It's a valid concern, but... considering the good spirit of the whole event and the fact that I only used "group" pictures (I was going to use some portraits but decided not to for this very reason) - I think I'll take my chances... rolleyes1.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2006
    Maybe I should print out some releases for tomorrow. That is one of the few places I might ask without too much fear.

    Also, how did you know who the reinactment promoters were? How far ahead? How did you go about it? Just a short answer......will do, if you have time.
    Did you ask them to post your addy? Do they get a piece of it? I am just trying to learn for the future.....

    I can't even get a straight answer as to whether my annual pass will get me into the event, smile.

    You sure did all the "right stuff".

    ginger (I wouldn't worry too much about releases at an event like that. It is quite public! These are people having fun, w/o pay, love what they are doing and want to show the world. Race car people might be more into money, I don't know.) My son does WW2 reinactments....doesn't interest me. Yet!
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited November 11, 2006
    ginger_55 wrote:
    Maybe I should print out some releases for tomorrow. That is one of the few places I might ask without too much fear.

    I wouldn't even bother. The place was swarming with people taking pictures. Of course, ratio of p&S to dslr was 50:1, but still...
    ginger_55 wrote:
    Also, how did you know who the reinactment promoters were? How far ahead? How did you go about it? Just a short answer......will do, if you have time.
    Did you ask them to post your addy? Do they get a piece of it? I am just trying to learn for the future.....
    Oh that was easy. They have the website where all the info was posted.
    I looked at the site a week prior to the event and noticed they have some 2005 pictures. I simply wrote them a letter and mentioned that I have some too (I took about 800 pics last year:-) and informed them that they can link to my galleries (so people would have a better idea what it is). They immediately added my link and were very grateful.

    So after the Saturday event I spent the whole Sunday processing the new crop and later wrote them that I have a new batch from this year. They were again extremely excited and immediately created a 2006 section and put my link on top, as well as used my "blast" picture as the title one (with my permission). Few days later guys from "LA Shooters" (Tom and Dave) added their pics, too.
    ginger_55 wrote:
    I wouldn't worry too much about releases at an event like that. It is quite public! These are people having fun, w/o pay, love what they are doing and want to show the world.

    Exactly my feelings about this type of crowd..
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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