First of all, welcome to the Class, great to have you here!
Second - nice stairs!
And, finally, on a personal note - thank you for bringing back memories of your beautiful country! I spent 3 months there in 1996 in a little town called Rijswijk (between Haage and Delpht) and was fascinated with it.
Thanks for the welcome
I haven't been to Rijswijk a lot, so you'd probably know better how it looks then I do
I've got a few more stairs. Well, photos with stairs on them somewhere.
Cropped, otherwise not touched:
The stair is a little small in this one, but I liked the photo
I toned down the white a bit, that's it.
I like this one, I think the stairs show a lot better than the above one. Saturation +10, no other processing.
This picture is fantastically disorienting (to me at least). I took it while sitting under the stairs that go up to the second story apartments (my husband and I live on the first floor)
This picture is fantastically disorienting (to me at least). I took it while sitting under the stairs that go up to the second story apartments (my husband and I live on the first floor)
While it's a nice shot and a totally valid entry, I wonder if you could avoid the skewing either while shooting or in post
While it's a nice shot and a totally valid entry, I wonder if you could avoid the skewing either while shooting or in post
Could you elaborate a little more on this so I can figure out how / what it is you'd like me to fix. These are right outside my door, so easy to try reshooting, I'm just a little confused what the "skew" is that I'm looking for. :help
One of these days I need to take a real photography class, heh.
Could you elaborate a little more on this so I can figure out how / what it is you'd like me to fix. These are right outside my door, so easy to try reshooting, I'm just a little confused what the "skew" is that I'm looking for. :help
One of these days I need to take a real photography class, heh.
I mean all those angles being non-equal and not "right"... The whole image looks "askewed"...
I mean all those angles being non-equal and not "right"... The whole image looks "askewed"...
Hmm.... must figure out a way to shoot this and get rid of that... maybe sitting right under it isn't going to work... will play around with it later... thanks for the clarification
Hmm.... must figure out a way to shoot this and get rid of that... maybe sitting right under it isn't going to work... will play around with it later... thanks for the clarification
The recipe is quite simple in fact: hold your camera truly horizontal (use the level if needed, tripod would also help) and try to obtain a position exactly in the middle of the staircase, so the A1 and A2 angles would be identical.
The recipe is quite simple in fact: hold your camera truly horizontal (use the level if needed, tripod would also help) and try to obtain a position exactly in the middle of the staircase, so the A1 and A2 angles would be identical.
Sorry my friend, but I have to disagree with you in certain parts - or I have misunderstood your point -
If Shima does that - center the staircase, iqual angles from both sides - the photo will be much flat.
On the contrary, I propose she twists/tilt the view, either by twisting the camera or, twisting/tilting the staircase partially.
I mean, alight the staircase by one side and the other side will twist/tilt.
That would be of some interest.
I hope I made myself explain.
I do know that you, Nik, don't take this statement as an offense (?!) or whatever...
Nice Christmas people !! Many gifts: lenses; cameras; filter; etc..
Sorry my friend, but I have to disagree with you in certain parts - or I have misunderstood your point -
If Shima does that - center the staircase, iqual angles from both sides - the photo will be much flat.
On the contrary, I propose she twists/tilt the view, either by twisting the camera or, twisting/tilting the staircase partially.
I mean, alight the staircase by one side and the other side will twist/tilt.
That would be of some interest.
Well, that's a possibility, if the tilts/skews are rather bold. Currently it looks like a second-rate snapshot...
I Played with this, Rotate, crop (prespective) Lens correction, and finally got this. Most of the angles work, but not all anyway shoot it if it's no good
I Played with this, Rotate, crop (prespective) Lens correction, and finally got this. Most of the angles work, but not all anyway shoot it if it's no good
Merry Christmas
I defenitely appreciate your friendly help.
However, for the most of our Class assignments the primary idea is not to learn how fix an image in post, but rather how to shot it in a way that it does not need much of of the fixing. Basically, in this case I'd like our lovely Shima to learn how to shoot straigt :-)
Merry Christmas, man!
However, for the most of our Class assignments the primary idea is not to learn how fix an image in post, but rather how to shot it in a way that it does not need much of of the fixing. Basically, in this case I'd like our lovely Shima to learn how to shoot straigt :-)
Merry Christmas, man!
Understood Nik. I had time on my hands and thought I was an interesting shot to play with. Fixing in post is no substitute to shooting straight in the first place. Especially with this level of straightening. Fun to work on though.
That's pretty good!
I would suggest to combine this theme with "Crowd control", take a very long exposure, thus eliminating all the people and leaving stairs only:-)
That's pretty good!
I would suggest to combine this theme with "Crowd control", take a very long exposure, thus eliminating all the people and leaving stairs only:-)
Oohhhh... I likes it... I'll try to have that by next week...
I use a little bit of everything gear wise...
Nikon/Canon/Sony/GoPro/Insta360º/Mavic 2 Pro
I shot a cool spiral staircase a few weeks ago with this thread in mind and got distracted after I processed them, so they somehow ended up in "Other Cool Shots."
Anyway, I could have probably reposted them, but here's a fresh-fresh staircase (of the moving variety) taken from the mall this evening before I was told that photography was discouraged in the mall... Oh well, at least I got a couple before I was warned!!
I shot a cool spiral staircase a few weeks ago with this thread in mind and got distracted after I processed them, so they somehow ended up in "Other Cool Shots."
Anyway, I could have probably reposted them, but here's a fresh-fresh staircase (of the moving variety) taken from the mall this evening before I was told that photography was discouraged in the mall... Oh well, at least I got a couple before I was warned!!
Nice escalator!
Yeah, shooting in the mall can get you in trouble fersure
I haven't been to Rijswijk a lot, so you'd probably know better how it looks then I do
I've got a few more stairs. Well, photos with stairs on them somewhere.
Cropped, otherwise not touched:
The stair is a little small in this one, but I liked the photo
I toned down the white a bit, that's it.
I like this one, I think the stairs show a lot better than the above one. Saturation +10, no other processing. & smugmug
I blew this one Bank of America
Great reflection!
Man, I miss water...:cry
Nice ones:-)
Looks like a "feline liberat.." ... never mind
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Bleachers, and what seems to be a nice entry for the current silhouette challenge! Shweet! :ivar
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
While it's a nice shot and a totally valid entry, I wonder if you could avoid the skewing either while shooting or in post
Could you elaborate a little more on this so I can figure out how / what it is you'd like me to fix. These are right outside my door, so easy to try reshooting, I'm just a little confused what the "skew" is that I'm looking for. :help
One of these days I need to take a real photography class, heh.
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
I mean all those angles being non-equal and not "right"... The whole image looks "askewed"...
Hmm.... must figure out a way to shoot this and get rid of that... maybe sitting right under it isn't going to work... will play around with it later... thanks for the clarification
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
The recipe is quite simple in fact: hold your camera truly horizontal (use the level if needed, tripod would also help) and try to obtain a position exactly in the middle of the staircase, so the A1 and A2 angles would be identical.
Sorry my friend, but I have to disagree with you in certain parts - or I have misunderstood your point -
If Shima does that - center the staircase, iqual angles from both sides - the photo will be much flat.
On the contrary, I propose she twists/tilt the view, either by twisting the camera or, twisting/tilting the staircase partially.
I mean, alight the staircase by one side and the other side will twist/tilt.
That would be of some interest.
I hope I made myself explain.
I do know that you, Nik, don't take this statement as an offense (?!) or whatever...
Nice Christmas people !! Many gifts: lenses; cameras; filter; etc..
Well, that's a possibility, if the tilts/skews are rather bold. Currently it looks like a second-rate snapshot...
Why would I?:-) Opinions differ, especially in such a subjective area as art, so yours is as good as mine..:-)
Now you're talking:-)
Merry Christmas
I defenitely appreciate your friendly help.
However, for the most of our Class assignments the primary idea is not to learn how fix an image in post, but rather how to shot it in a way that it does not need much of of the fixing. Basically, in this case I'd like our lovely Shima to learn how to shoot straigt :-)
Merry Christmas, man!
Understood Nik. I had time on my hands and thought I was an interesting shot to play with. Fixing in post is no substitute to shooting straight in the first place. Especially with this level of straightening. Fun to work on though.
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
They are stairs photographed from the first floor, underneath the stairs. I was trying to fix my not shooting straight on.
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @shimamizu || Google Plus
some stairs from Oporto
Paulo Campos
My photos at Flickr
Sorry I forgot to post these earlier...
I use a little bit of everything gear wise...
Nikon/Canon/Sony/GoPro/Insta360º/Mavic 2 Pro
I would suggest to combine this theme with "Crowd control", take a very long exposure, thus eliminating all the people and leaving stairs only:-)
Oohhhh... I likes it... I'll try to have that by next week...
I use a little bit of everything gear wise...
Nikon/Canon/Sony/GoPro/Insta360º/Mavic 2 Pro
Anyway, I could have probably reposted them, but here's a fresh-fresh staircase (of the moving variety) taken from the mall this evening before I was told that photography was discouraged in the mall... Oh well, at least I got a couple before I was warned!!
SmugMug QA
My Photos
Nice escalator!
Yeah, shooting in the mall can get you in trouble fersure